
Reverse Vinyl Shirt Craft #TigerStrypesBlog 18

 This site contains affiliate links. Please see below for more information. How to Make a Reverse Vinyl Shirt #TigerStrypesBlog #Craft Browsing around online, I saw something like this on Pinterest recently, and I thought that it would be fun to create one of my own.  The reverse vinyl project was […]



Make a Halloween Pine Cone Wreath #TigerStrypesBlog 30

 This site contains affiliate links. Please see below for more information. Make a Pine Cone Wreath for Halloween #TigerStrypesBlog #Halloween #Craft I can’t believe that it’s already October.  Time is flying by, and I haven’t really gotten in the mood to decorate for Fall yet.  Halloween is just a few […]

Raggedy Bunny Craft Project #TigerStrypesBlog 6

This site contains affiliate links. Please see below for more information. Raggedy Bunny Craft Project #TigerStrypesBlog #Gift #Easter If you saw my post from last week, you saw the cute little Burrowing Bunny that you could give as a treat for Easter.  I figured since the Spring season is coming, […]


Make a Burrowing Bunny Treat #TigerStrypesBlog 11

This site contains affiliate links. Please see below for more information. Make a Burrowing Bunny Treat #TigerStrypesBlog #Gift #Easter It’s hard to believe that it’s already March!  Easter is just around the corner, and I always love to come up with some fun things to give my family and friends.  […]

Christmas Memory Chair Ornament #TigerStrypesBlog 30

This site contains affiliate links. Please see below for more information. Christmas Memory Chair Ornament #TigerStrypesBlog #Ornament #Christmas I can’t believe it’s already time to plan for Christmas.  If you’re like me, you have people in your life that are no longer with you, and you miss them at the […]



Wicker Plate Tray Halloween Pumpkin Craft #TigerStrypesBlog 21

Wicker Plate Tray Halloween Pumpkin Craft #Halloween#Craft #TigerStrypesBlog The weather here in the mountains of Arizona is always getting cold in the evening.  Halloween just a few weeks away, if we end up carving a real pumpkin…it will be toast by the time the trick-or-treater crowd gets here.  I figured […]

Make Some Wooden Pumpkins for Fall #TigerStrypesBlog 30

Make Some Wooden Pumpkins for Fall #Autumn #Craft #TigerStrypesBlog It’s hard to believe that Fall is already here.  Living in the White Mountains of Arizona, this is my favorite time of year.  The colors of our oak and aspen trees are absolutely amazing and the weather finally says “see you […]


back to school cake

Have Some Fun With a Back To School Cake! 22

Have Some Fun With a Back to School Cake I had created a post like this years ago, and figured it was time to update it.  This is always something that I love making for the teachers each year and letting them have some extra supplies, and be ready for the […]

“Tie-Dye” Your Easter Eggs #TigerStrypesBlog 12

“Tie-Dye” Your Easter Eggs Craft(#TBCCrafters) Easter, or Resurrection Celebration, is just a few days away.  If you’re like many families, you’re getting ready to color some eggs to celebrate.  I know that there are some who don’t like this form of “tradition”, since they feel that it takes away from […]



Decorate Your Yard With An Outdoor Nativity Set! 7

*I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.* Christmas in today’s world has gone from what I remember with my family – a celebration of Jesus’ birth to what seems to be the […]

Make a “Back to School Cake” For Your Teacher 5

Make a “Back to School Cake” For Your Teacher Well, my son started 8th grade on Tuesday – crazy!!!  He goes to a private Christian school here in the White Mountains of AZ, and with the budgets and issues with supplies, etc., our school sends out a list of things […]


terra cotta

Build Your Own “Terra-Cotta Table” #TigerStrypesBlog 30

How To Make a “Terra-Cotta Table“ #TBCCrafters Hop I get the Lowes Creative Ideas magazine and love it!!  There are always some great ideas for indoor and outdoor and you can pick according to your budget.  I saw this one a long time ago and never had a chance to put […]

How To Build a “Repurposed Building Block Table” 41

How To Build a “Repurposed Building Block Table“ I saw something like this on Pinterest, and thought it was adorable.  I went around to local thrift shops looking for one of these tables.  Probably should have gone to an antique shop, since these were popular when I was little! 🙂 […]

building block table


Make Some “Rose Candle Holders” #TigerStrypesBlog 16

Create Your Own Rose Candle Holders #TBCCrafters Hop I am still getting back to normal life following our vacation to CA.  Wow, that was a long drive.  We were able to visit the beautiful Moss Landing area, Monterey Bay Aquarium, the Winchester Mystery House, and our son got to have a […]

Have Fun With a “Ribbon Star Craft” #TigerStrypesBlog 9

“Ribbon Star Craft” #TBCCrafters Hop I know that the 4th of July was last week, but I saw a thing like this in the Martha Stewart magazine and thought it would be great to share.  You could use this for any time of the year and add whatever you wanted […]

cut it out

Check Out These Great “Cut It Out Wall Stickers”!! 6

“Cut It Out Wall Stickers“ was created with its customers in mind, offering you an affordable yet innovative way of styling your interior. We are a team of professional London based graphic designers who set up cut it out in late 2011. We began as a trio, tired of our mundane 9-5 jobs […]

Christmas Ornament Wreath (#TBCCrafters) 8

Christmas Ornament Wreath TBC Crafter’s Hop (#TBCCrafters) I wanted a cheap and easy way to decorate and not worry about the piece if it broke or got weathered, etc.  I had seen something like this on a site awhile back and decided to give it a try!!  You can use […]
