Clothes Hanger Snowflake Craft #TigerStrypesBlog 10

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Make a Clothes Hanger Snowflake

#TigerStrypesBlog #Winter #Christmas #Craft

I can’t believe that we’re already decorating for the holidays.  I remember a friend telling me that when you get old, times goes quicker.  I’m not sure if I like that I have that feeling now. 🙄

Seeing something like this on Pinterest, I thought that it would be fun to try and make.  I always have way too many hangers laying around, so it was great to put them to use, to decorate outdoors.  Some people were just gluing these together, but I decided on using zip-ties.  I figured with the snow, and cold weather coming, the glue might not hold up.  The zip-ties make it so it stays together, and can be stored easily.

I sure hope that you like the tutorial, and pray that you have a blessed day!

Please be sure to comment, and share this craft on your social media channels – thanks so much!!


Learn How to Make a Snowflake from Hangers! #Craft #Christmas. Fun #DIY to decorate outdoors or inside. #TigerStrypesBlog - Find out more at Share on X

Materials/Tools Used:

Instructions for the Hanger Snowflake:

Start by laying out your hangers in the shape that you want.  There are many different ways that this could be done.  Some of the ones I made were single layer, while others had two layers of hangers.  This all depends on how many you have to work with, and what you want it to look like.


Next, using zip-ties in areas where they connect, secure each piece together.  Use as many zip-ties as you think is necessary to hold it all sturdy.  When that was complete, I used a cable tie gun to secure them and clip the end.  Some didn’t clip all of the way, so I had to use scissors to finish the trim.

snowflake snowflake

Now, add a few zip ties at a part that you want to mark as the top.  You will use this to hang it wherever you decide to decorate.


Now, you can just display it wherever you wish, and make it look like it’s snowing….even when it isn’t!




What do you think?  I hope you like it!  Please take a minute to leave me a comment on what you would like to create, and maybe if you have any tips on how to do it different, or better!

Be sure to tweet, pin, share, etc. – thanks!!

“When the layer of dew evaporated, there were fine flakes on the desert surface, as fine as frost on the ground.”Exodus 16:14



memory shoe string art
sesame rootin' bench


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Richelle Milar
Richelle Milar
2 years ago

Wow! That was a really great and a very clever idea! I love it! Can’t wait to share this with my friends!


[…] ← Clothes Hanger Snowflake Craft #TigerStrypesBlog […]

Barb Webb
3 years ago

This is so clever!!! I absolutely love it and need to make some for our outdoor decor.

3 years ago

This is the coolest! You win the internet today!!!

Linda Kinsman
3 years ago

What a cool idea! I really like the open weave design. You could even add twinkle lights. Pinning this for later!

Grace Hodgin
3 years ago

I love the design. Very clever and inexpensive.