
Create Some Scarecrow Bottle Decor #TigerStrypesBlog 29

This site contains affiliate links. Please see below for more information. Create Some Scarecrow Bottle Decor #TigerStrypesBlog #Harvest #Autumn It’s crazy that it’s already time for Autumn.  This year has gone by quickly.  Fall is my favorite time of year.  Living in the White Mountains of Arizona, we get to […]



Make Some Retro VHS Lights #TigerStrypesBlog 26

This site contains affiliate links. Please see below for more information.   Make Some Retro VHS Lights #TigerStrypesBlog #Decor If you’re of my generation, you know all too well what a VHS is.  If not, I’m sorry! ha/ha  I have so many of these tapes lying around, and have already […]

Sweet Rainbow Treats for St. Patrick’s Day or Easter #TigerStrypesBlog 28

Sweet Rainbow Treats for St. Patrick’s Day or Easter #TigerStrypesBlog I haven’t posted a craft in some time…probably because I haven’t had much time.  How about you?  I saw something like this on Pinterest and thought it would be fun to make something like it that could be used for both […]



Make Some Wooden Pumpkins for Fall #TigerStrypesBlog 30

Make Some Wooden Pumpkins for Fall #Autumn #Craft #TigerStrypesBlog It’s hard to believe that Fall is already here.  Living in the White Mountains of Arizona, this is my favorite time of year.  The colors of our oak and aspen trees are absolutely amazing and the weather finally says “see you […]

How to Make “Harvest Candle Holders” #TigerStrypesBlog 12

How to Make “Harvest Candle Holders“ #TBCCrafters Hop Here’s my craft for this week.  I hope it’s something that you can use and change up the ideas to make it your own.  My favorite time of the year is Fall.  The colors are amazing in the mountains where I live, […]


Have Fun With a “Ribbon Star Craft” #TigerStrypesBlog 9

“Ribbon Star Craft” #TBCCrafters Hop I know that the 4th of July was last week, but I saw a thing like this in the Martha Stewart magazine and thought it would be great to share.  You could use this for any time of the year and add whatever you wanted […]

Make Your Own Rosette Ribbons (#TBCcrafters) 15

Make Your Own Rosette Ribbons  TBC Crafter’s Hop (#TBCcrafters) With Thanksgiving over, and Christmas coming soon, there is a lot going on!!  I figured that this craft would be great to learn and to have the knowledge about doing for wrapping presents for Christmas coming up.  I went to Walmart […]
