Where Do Stink Bugs Go? Book Review
I heard about the new Where Do Stinkbugs Go? book authored by Steve Kukla a few weeks ago. I had recently read his wife’s MotoMysteries series, as well as the Parking Precious book and loved all of them, so I figured that this would be great, too! Having a granddaughter now, I have a reason to start purchasing books like this again. Before, I just looked weird bringing them home to read myself, but whatever! ha/ha
This one was adorable. I can’t wait to read it to my granddaughter, when she gets a little older. I can make it fun for her to learn, and she can help with reading some of the words. There are also adorable coloring pages in the back, and even each page has an area that she will be able to color and make the book hers. I love it. It has an adventurous story, and focuses on family and what should be important in your life. I never thought I’d learn something from a bug! 🙂 Find out more about the book below, and order a copy for your family.
About the Where Do Stinkbugs Go? Book:
EWWW! A stink bug! Hold your nose! Run!
Not with this family of stink bugs!
You’ll fall in love with the very special stink bug dad and COVER YOUR EYES when you see what he is going to do on the busy highway!
Will he survive? Will the family really make it to Aunt Myrtle’s? Get your book today to find out what happens!
This fun book for young readers is even more fun when the story is over because you can get out the crayons and let the kids color all the illustrations! It’s more than just a silly book for kids, it’s an activity book too! The word search in the back makes learning fun as kids search for words from the story in the puzzle!
Where Do Stink Bugs Go? Find out with #SteveKukla's new book! Includes #activities and #coloringpages #Books #Kids #Reading Share on X
Order a Copy of Where Do Stink Bugs Go? for Your Family – Click the Photo Below:
About Steve and Sherri Kukla:
Steve Kukla and his wife, Sherri, publish S&S Off Road Magazine and are the founders of Thundering Trails, an off road day camp for kids. Sherri and Steve married when they were teenagers. Forty-five adventurous years have passed, providing plenty of fun as well as not-so-fun experiences for Sherri to draw on for the MotoMysteries series. Their lives revolve around God, kids and motorcycles.
They have raised four children of their own, in addition to opening their home to nearly a dozen others who spent a few weeks up to several years with them. They are currently raising their 15-year-old granddaughter who has been with them most of her life. Yes, she rides and races motorcycles. They also have a nine-year-old grandson who loves rocks, reading, bicycles and motorcycles.
Sherri and Steve Kukla, along with their granddaughter, one dog, one bearded dragon and two dozen fish, reside in Ocotillo Wells, a desert community in Southern California, that is home to an 85,000 acre off road park. If you’d like to be a part of the launch team for future MotoMysteries books visit www.sherrikukla.com or email sherrikukla@gmail.com for information.
Connect With the Kukla’s and SXS Offroad Magazine:
Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at www.tigerstrypes.com. From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The service/product was purchased by me with monetary means, points, or coupons. No portion of the product/service was given to me by the company or any agents of the company. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.
How cute! My kids would have loved this when they were younger! They always searched out bugs 🙂
I used to always bring them to my Mom to see. She loved that!! ha/ha
This sounds like such a great book. So glad you will be able to share it with your granddaughter.
It is a fun book. I love the illustrations.
I need to order this book for my youngest son! It looks super cute!
It is adorable. I love that you get a book, and a coloring book with activities all in one. Each child can just make it their own! Plus, the author and his wife are absolutely amazing, and I love sharing their work!