Parking Precious & Other Offroad Tales Review 18

Thank you S&S Offroad Magazine for partnering with me on this blog post!


Parking Precious & Other Offroad Tales Review
#ParkingPrecious #TigerStrypesBlog
Recently, I heard about a new book coming out called Parking Precious. It was talked about in the S&S Offroad Magazine. If someone says anything about offroad, I’m interested. Sherri Kukla has been writing Sherri’s Turn for a very long time. Sherri’s Turn has appeared in S&S Off Road Magazine for decades. The column is an often light-hearted look at the off road adventures experienced by a communication-challenged husband and wife, with more somber memories tucked in from time to time.

I love hearing from another female offroader, and what she has dealt with over the years. So many times, you pull up in your 4×4 and the guys look at you a bit funny. Then you show them what you can do, and earn their respect. Too many times, back in the mini truck days, the women were seen as trophies. Now, the women are earning those trophies in the offroad circuits!

The eBook that I received was amazing.  I don’t think I’ve ever read a book for this long before.  You start, and you just can’t put it down.  I start reading chapter two, and with how it begins I got worried. I’m already thinking of a certain scenario in my head, and then it totally reverses and cracks me up. Sherri, you’re something else!!  She is talking about helping someone back something large into a driveway.  Who doesn’t have stories about that?

I love books that make you smile, and make you think and just allow you to spend a few minutes away from your daily life, daily stress and normal agenda. This book has great stories, some of which could have been taken from my life, and is just a great way to spend some time enlightened.

Check out Sherri Kukla's book #ParkingPrecious & other #Offroad tales. Great stories about life, family and fun in the dirt! #TigerStrypesBlog Share on X

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About the Parking Precious Book:

parkingFor many years readers have told us how much they enjoy the Sherri’s Turn column and how it relates to their off road adventures. We’ve heard that sometimes couples read it out loud together to laugh at each other because they have done the same crazy things!  Finally after many years of thinking about it, we have put together a collection of Sherri’s Turn columns from over the years.

Sherri’s Turn has long been one of the favorite columns in the pages of S&S Off Road Magazine. Parking Precious is a collection of some of the favorites over the years.

Imagine the thrill in his father’s voice, when he stepped out into the garage and saw the teenage version of the guy-in-the-garage chopping his motorcycle in half. The motorcycle the dad had just co-signed a loan for. “What do you think you’re doing?!” Dad says in a voice that caused neighbors the next block over to wonder what he thought he was doing.

Off roading is a series of adventures and Parking Precious is a unique perspective of those adventures through the eyes of an off road wife and mother.

S&S Off Road Magazine was founded in the fall of 1982 by the husband and wife team of Steve (a.k.a. the guy-in-the-garage) and Sherri Kukla. Their goals are to promote the sport of off roading, to report on off road activities both racing and recreationally, to entertain, teach and above all to encourage. They strive to make the readers the stars of each monthly issue.

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Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The service/product was given to me by the company or any agents of the company.
The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.
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Anne Marie
Anne Marie
2 years ago

I love a light-hearted and humorous tale to relax with at the end of the day. Glad you enjoyed this one and thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Fatima T
2 years ago

Off-roading isn’t for everyone, but I know a handful of people in our town who enjoy it. My husband’s cousin is always talking about taking his four-wheeler off-road during the week.

2 years ago

I hadn’t heard of this book, but I know a few people who would love it!

Tara Pittman
2 years ago

I have several friends who love off-roading. This sounds like a book for them.

Grace Hodgin
3 years ago

I love books that make me smile. This sounds like a really enjoyable book.

Barb Webb
3 years ago

Awesome book, will have to check it out! Perfect for you, for sure! We enjoy playing in the dirt, too 🙂

Linda Kinsman
3 years ago

If ever there was a perfect book for you Jamie, this has got to be it! It’s so nice that you’ve found a community to plug in to.

3 years ago

That’s cool to find a book that you can’t put down! This sounds great to read about their fun.

heidi bee
heidi bee
3 years ago

This sounds like the perfect book for you!