Create a Watering Can Light for the Garden #TigerStrypesBlog 22

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I saw something like this on Pinterest and figured it would be fun to make for my yard.  I always love little lights outside that bring just a bit of fun to certain areas.  I thought this would be a great one to make that really made you smile.  Just the thought of lights as the water, was one that got me interested.  I thought it would be fun, and inexpensive to try, so I went shopping and started crafting.

It didn’t take long to make, and could be changed up in so many ways to better suit your yard, porch, or wherever.  I decided to get the hook for the ground, just to be able to hang it wherever I wanted, but you could even put it on a branch, the side of the house, or wherever!  It’s just a fun focal point for when you’re enjoying the outdoors!

I sure hope that you like it!! I hope you have a blessed day, and please be sure to comment and share this craft on your social media channels – thanks so much!!

Create a Watering Can Light for the Garden #Craft - Find out more at Share on X

Create a Watering Can Light for the Garden

Materials/Tools Used:

  • Watering Can
  • Fairy String Lights
  • Hanger
  • Artificial Flowers
  • Tape
  • Pipe Cleaner or Other Wire
  • Drill
  • Pen
  • & Time!

Instructions for the Watering Can:

I started by using a set of the fairy lights.  I couldn’t find any that were remote control for the price that I wanted to pay, so I figured it would be easier to wrap them all together, so that I could turn them all on when I needed them.

watering can

I then found an inexpensive plastic watering can at the store, and marking the drain holes where I wanted to drill to make them a bit larger.

watering can

Using a large drill bit, I opened them up to make it easier for the light strands to pass through.

watering can

I taped the set of lights to one side, so that I could find them when they needed to be turned on.

watering can

Using a pipe cleaner wrapped around the light strand, I fished it up through the hole that I wanted it to go through.

watering can

When all of the strands were through, I held them together at the ends at the length that I wanted and pulled the rest of the string back inside of the watering can.  That way, there would be some light inside, as well.

When that was done, I started decorating the hanger.  Using a floral garland that I found at the local store (hidden on a top shelf from Easter, so I got it for only about $0.65 – SCORE!!), I wrapped that around the hanger and glued it at the top and bottom to secure.

watering can

Then, I just hung the watering can on the bar and put it out in the yard.  I’m going to use it under our new canopy in the backyard, just for some pretty lighting when we have friends over.  It won’t really light up a space, but is great for some ambiance.

watering can

watering can

I hope you like it!  Please take a minute to leave me a comment.  Let me know what you would do different, or what you would add, etc.  Be sure to tweet, pin, share, etc. – thanks!!

“…but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14


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All pictures and text are my own and have not been copied in any way.  I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate Tiger Strypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences or creations with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing or using their service/product. The information that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience, I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.
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Kathleen M Milligan
Kathleen M Milligan
2 years ago

Thanks for sharing!

3 years ago

Love this! I’ve been looking to do something similar for a while now. I also wanted the metal water cans but they are somewhat expensive and I’m afraid that they will get rusted. I didn’t think the plastic ones would look nice but it does! Great job!!!! I guess my only concern now is, does it get filled with water when it rains?

3 years ago

Very nice!!

Doris Norman
Doris Norman
4 years ago

I love it.

Ellen LaFleche-Christian

What a cute idea and I love the Bible verse you chose to go with it!

6 years ago

What a lovely idea! I think my daughter would love this as an addition to her fairy garden!

Apryl @ Money Wise Steward

Love this idea! What a great way to add some decoration to your garden.

Allison Cooper
Allison Cooper
6 years ago

Oh I love this idea – so cute! My mom would love to have this for her garden at home!

6 years ago

what size watering can do you use please?

6 years ago

so cute!

Gladys Parker
7 years ago

What a cute decoration that made. You are very talented. I have time on my hands so maybe I’ll try making one sometime for myself or my daughter. Thanks for sharing!