Make a Thanksgiving Table Topper 27

tableMake a Thanksgiving Table Topper

So, being that Thanksgiving is only a couple of weeks away, I thought it would be nice to have a centerpiece for our dining table.  I always love having something special on our table, while we enjoy a meal together as a family.  Having one for Thanksgiving makes it even more fun!  We had recently gone on a Fall Colors ATV ride here in the mountains of Arizona, and found a spot near where we were riding that a poor little turkey had become dinner for one of the wild animals in the area.  There were a lot of feathers left around the area, that weren’t damaged, so I picked them up and cleaned them off to use in a craft later on….well, here it is!

I hope you like it!! Have a blessed day, and please be sure to comment on, and share this craft on your social media channels – thanks!!

tableMake a Thanksgiving Table Topper


Materials/Tools Used:

  • Basket
  • Egg Carton
  • Burlap
  • Flowers/Pinecones
  • Candleholders/Candles
  • Feathers
  • & Time!


I started with a basket that I had found at the store that was pretty inexpensive.


I wanted the stuff that I put inside to be at the top, so I decided to take up some of the bottom empty space with an old egg carton.


I then covered the egg carton, with some burlap to cover the egg carton up.


I put some small pinecones in the corners, to hold the egg carton at the center.  You could use whatever you had here to hold it, just figured that the pinecones would be best, in case you could see through the handles.


Next, I set the candleholders on the ends of the egg carton, making sure that they were sturdy and not sitting on an indent.


Next, I added some of the artificial flowers that I had found around the candleholder to give it a bit more color and look of Thanksgiving.


I then added in the rest of the pinecones, around the candleholders and the flowers.  You can stack them as high as you want, just make sure that you put them around the whole thing to cover the empty spaces.


When I had all of the pinecones in, I started inserting the turkey feathers around the edges.  Figured they would just be a bit of decoration, and not the focal point in the center.


Once those were in, I turned the candles on, and set it on the table to decorate.  Figured it was the perfect way to make use of these beautiful feathers that were found in the forest.


I hope you like it!  Please take a minute to leave me a comment, and let me know what you would do different, or what you would add, etc.  Be sure to tweet, pin, share, etc. – thank you!!

“He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”-Psalm 91:4



lamps shoe candy
utensil fall pallet


All pictures and text are my own and have not been copied in any way.  I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate Tiger Strypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences or creations with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing or using their service/product. The information that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience, I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.




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Jacqui Odell
Jacqui Odell
7 years ago

This is such a cute idea! Seems so simple and you could reuse the basket for other things after Thanksgiving.

7 years ago

Well I guess some other animal needed to eat–thus the plethora of feathers you were able to collect and use for a very original center piece for your Thanksgiving table.

Heidi Bee
7 years ago

This is so lovely! I wouldn’t change a thing. Plus one of my favorite verses!

9 years ago

Looks great, Jamie. Those feathers adds a lovely touch !!

Lorelai @ Life With Lorelai

I love finding creative ways to create centerpieces. Great idea to use an egg carton to get the height you want. Thanks for sharing and co-hosting at the #HomeMattersParty – we appreciate you! 🙂

Life With Lorelai

9 years ago

Love this. I have a bunch of pine cones and other dried “things” from my garden. #HomeMattersParty


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Sharee @ Savory Spicerack

Beautiful, easy, and simple! Pinning to use for our Thanksgiving dinner!

dana vento
9 years ago

Your “how to make a thanksgiving table topper” is so perfect. I loved reading this, and finding it out. Thank you for a great diy!

9 years ago

Looks great! It’s a great Fall centerpiece! Pine corns and feathers are a great combination. Thanks for sharing this beautiful craft!

tara pittman
9 years ago

I love how you use an egg carton to lift the items up. Very pretty!

Carlee C
9 years ago

Those feathers are gorgeous and I like the pine cones as well. I love how you incorporated nature into your centerpiece, very pretty.