
Chris Tomlin “Adore” – Christmas Songs of Worship 10

*I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.*Chris Tomlin “Adore” – Christmas Songs of Worship #Adore #FlyBy I recently received the “Adore” CD by Chris Tomlin from FlyByPromotions. I knew as soon as […]



Check Out Hillsong’s New CD “Open Heaven (River Wild)” 7

*I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.* Check Out Hillsong’s New CD “Open Heaven (River Wild)” I recently found out about a new CD coming out from Hillsong, called “Open Heaven (River […]

….This Is Not a Test! TobyMac is Back!!! 16

*I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.*….This Is Not a Test! TobyMac is Back!!! #THISISNOTATEST #FLYBY I received the new TobyMac album, called “This Is Not a Test” from FlyByPromotions and couldn’t […]



Roadmap Genesis – Chart Your Own Voyage

When you hear the word Genesis, what do you think of? Some people in today’s world automatically think of a band or something else. Not many automatically focus on the Word of God and it being the beginning of His Book.  I’ll follow with some more on what the book […]

Can You Help In Saving Christmas? 3

*I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.* I recently got to see the “Saving Christmas” movie before it was released to the public and really liked it.  There was so much great […]



Capitol Kids! Rock – Check Out Their New CD! 15

“I received the Capitol Songs CD as a member of the Entertainment New Media Network. No further compensation was received and all opinions are my own. This post may also contain affiliate links.” Capitol Kids! Hits (‪#‎CapitolKids‬ ‪#‎ENMNetwork‬) I received the “Capitol Kids!” Cd from ENMN and was asked to listen […]