Sewing Craft to Make Candy Corn #TigerStrypesBlog 26

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candy corn

Sewing Craft to Make Candy Corn

#TigerStrypesBlog #Sewing #Craft

With Fall already here, and the leaves changing color, I figured that it’s almost time for Halloween.  Since my son will be 20 this year, and left the house awhile ago, Halloween isn’t really the same anymore.  No more trick-or-treating, no more going through his candy to see what is safe….and what I want to eat! ha/ha  I am thankful that we still have the memories of days past.  Kids dressing up, parties we got to enjoy and just a friendlier time in the world.  I miss those days.

Since I was thinking about the time of year, I figured it would be fun to make something to send to family to add a smile to their face.  I saw something like this on Pinterest, and decided to make my own.

Having a bunch of extra craft felt laying around, I thought it would be fun to make.  I guess I need to learn how to sew better 🙄 , but I figured the more crude, the better.  The candy corn was fun to make, and could be changed up into any style you wanted.  You could even add arms and legs, if you really wanted to get into it.

Let me know what you think about my stuffed candy corn in the comments.  I sure hope that you like the tutorial, and pray that you have a blessed day!

Please be sure to comment and share this craft on your social media channels – thanks so much!!

Learn how to make some cute stuffed #candycorn for #Fall Simple #sewing & easy to #create! #DIY #Craft #Autumn #Halloween #Candy #TigerStrypesBlog - Find out more at Share on X

candy corn

Materials/Tools Used:

  • Craft Felt
  • Floss/Thread
  • Sewing Needle
  • Glue/Glue Gun
  • Pillow Stuffing
  • Paper/Printer
  • & Time!

Instructions for the Candy Corn Craft:

I found a picture of some candy corn on a free clipart site.  Making sure to resize the picture to the dimensions that I was looking for, in my final piece.  Printed it out in black and white to save ink, since I just needed the shapes.  Then I cut out each layer of paper to be used as a template for cutting out the pieces of felt.  When that was done, I cut out two pieces of each color to use for the finished project, trying to make sure that they were the same shape, to make it easier to sew them together, later.  You can put them together and trim off pieces, if you need to.

candy corn

candy corn

When all of the pieces were cut out and ready, I put a thin line of glue on the bottom and layered the next color on top.  Then I did the same with the top piece.  I made sure to let it sit and dry fully, before taking the next steps.  Felt can sometimes have an attitude with glue, so I just needed to be sure that it was set.

candy corn

After I felt that both sides were dry and ready, I started on the detail.  Using some craft floss that I had laying around (I have way too much extra of that stuff), I made the stitches to look like it was sewn together.  This just adds some detail, and helps to hold it all, if the glue doesn’t.

candy corn

candy corn

When I had all of those stitches done, I got some dark brown floss and made the eyes and mouth on just one of the pieces.  You could probably do it on both, if you wanted it reversible, but I didn’t have time for that.

candy corn

Next, I turned each piece toward each other, and sewed them together inside out.  Be sure to leave a small place to add the stuffing, once it’s turned back to normal.  Don’t blow it like I did and leave the opening on a corner.  That was a pain to sew up, and ended up looking super sloppy, but whatever.  If you leave a small opening at the bottom, on the straight portion, it will look a lot better when finished.

candy corn

candy corn

Now you can just finish up stitching the open portion to finish it up, and display it wherever you like.  I’m sending mine to my Mom, so she can laugh at my inability to sew like she does.  Oh well, there’s hope with practice, right?  On to the next piece of candy!

candy corn\

candy corn

So, what do you think?  I hope you like it!

Please take a minute to leave me a comment on what you would like to create, and maybe if you have any tips on how to do it different, or better!

Be sure to tweet, pin, share, etc. – thanks!!

“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24



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2 years ago

What a super cute candy corn craft! My kids love to make things and this will be great sewing practice for my son!

Janeane Davis
2 years ago

Candy corn is one of my favorite snacks. This is a cute craft idea.

Stefani Tolson
Stefani Tolson
2 years ago

What a cute craft idea. These can make great little gifts.

Monica Simpson
Monica Simpson
2 years ago

This would be a great for my daughter who has expressed interest in sewing!

2 years ago

This is such a fun idea. My kids have really gotten in to sewing lately. They are going to love this.

Tara Pittman
2 years ago

These are so cute. It would be a great craft for my husband to do with his troop.

2 years ago

This is so cute. The kids would love to try this. They have never done crafts that involves sewing yet so this will be fun. Thanks for sharing

Shakeia Rieux
Shakeia Rieux
3 years ago

That’s pretty neat! Making this would be so much fun!

Barbara Webb
3 years ago

Adorable!! I absolutely love this idea!!

Linda Kinsman
3 years ago

These are so cute and seem simple enough for crafters of all ages.

Heidi Bee
Heidi Bee
3 years ago

This is super cute and looks easy enough that even I could do it. This would be a great craft to do with my kiddos.

3 years ago

This is adorable! My son wants to try to make some for his favorite teacher’s classroom. 🙂

Grace Hodgin
3 years ago

This is adorable and so cute to make few and decorate around the house.

3 years ago

It’s cute! I used felt to decorate T-shirts with candy corn a few years back. It’s funny—I don’t like to EAT candy corn, but it’s such a cute candy for this time of year. Actually, my daughter is wearing candy corn leggings today! Darling craft, and it has a rustic/primitive look that totally hides any lack of sewing skill you may be feeling.