Make a Spaghetti Yarn Bowl (#TBCcrafters) – 11/8/2012 7

Being a part of “The Blogger Connection” and “TBC Crafter’s Hop” (#TBCcrafters) is a real blessing.  We all get to share our ideas and crafting tips together in a big group of great  friends.  Here’s my craft for this week:

spaghettiHow to Make a Spaghetti Yarn Bowl

Materials Needed:

Large smooth plastic ball (+/- 14″ wide)
Bowls to hold the ball and glue
Yarn or string (+/- 240 feet)
White glue


1.  Rest the ball on top of a bowl to steady it. Cut the yarn into about 80 yard-long pieces. Empty a generous amount of glue into a bowl.
2.  Working with one strand at a time, submerge the yarn in the bowl of glue. Squeeze out the excess glue, then drape the yarn onto the top half of the ball, forming squiggles and loops. As you add more strands, cross the previously draped yarn multiple times. Let the glue dry (overnight is good) before lifting the bowl from the ball. Clean the ball with soap and water.  Enjoy your creation!!


Do You Have Any Favorite Crafts?

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Tonya Staab
12 years ago

I love this craft. I think the kids and I need to do this over Thanksgiving break.

12 years ago

Cool idea, the kids will love this one.

Lois Jones
12 years ago

So neat!! I have always wanted to make one of these. Would be a lot of fun!!

12 years ago

This could be alot of fun!

12 years ago

This is a great idea. I am getting so many project ideas, it is wonderful

Rose Powell
12 years ago

I’ve seen this idea before, a neat little project to do with the kids, they love getting their hands mixed up in glue! Thank you for sharing this!

12 years ago

Very cool. I love this idea!