
Indoor Mason Jar Planters 10

 This site contains affiliate links. Please see below for more information. Indoor Mason Jar Planters #Indoor #Gardening I haven’t posted a craft in a long time.  As I’m sure a lot of you completely understand, things have just been crazy.  Time has been focused on just living and getting by.  […]



Get Ready for Spring with Wayfair! 35

Thank you Wayfair for the great ideas for my home & yard!Get Ready for Spring with Wayfair!#Wayfair #SpringIt’s hard to believe that it’s already Spring. The trees here in our mountains of Arizona, still haven’t sprung, but I’m sure that they will soon…hopefully!! This is the first year that I’ve […]

Transform Planters into a Lighthouse #TigerStrypesBlog 26

Transform Planters into a Lighthouse A friend shared something like this that she had seen on YouTube, and I thought it was adorable.  I changed it up a bit and made it my own.  Great for decorating the garden, or your porch.  I figured it was a way to pretend […]


tire planter

How to Make a Recycled Tire Planter 15

How to Make a Recycled Tire Planter When it was time to get new tires for my truck, I wanted to use the old ones for something around home.  I don’t like paying the recycling fee to the shop to get rid of them, and figured that they would look pretty […]

Convert A Colander Into A Planter #TigerStrypesBlog 33

Convert A Colander Into A Planter (#TBCCrafters) The oaks here in the mountains still haven’t sprouted, so I’m still delaying my gardening.  Even though it’s Spring, so many times, we end up planting things and then Mother Nature says “ha/ha suckers”.  We then get a snow storm over our newly […]
