I received the “Passport2Purity“ set from FlyByPromotions. I thought it would be a great thing for my husband to use with our son. He could plan a camping trip and go through the series with him, answering questions, giving advice, etc. In today’s world, too many kids grow up a bit on their own. Learning things from friends, or especially movies. All of us parents, really need to take the time to sit down with them and let them know what is right in this world.
Stories on the news, and plots in the movie pretty much put relationships and true marriage on a back burner. Live together first, they say. If you’re not having fun, get a divorce. What???!!!! Sorry, that’s just not right. Learning from the “Passport2Purity” series, you can teach your kids to be friends with a person they “like” first. Learn about the person, see if it works out. Saving yourself for marriage is a big deal and in my opinion, a very honorable action! I definitely recommend this series to parents, who are wanting to raise their kids right!
Here’s a little more on what the series is about:
I recently reviewed the “Passport 2 Purity” by Dennis & Barbara Rainey presented by FAMILY LIFE. My wife Jamie received this kit probably about a month ago. She gave me this set, because she thought it would be good for me to go through it with our teen son. I finally got the opportunity to begin reviewing the information in this kit. This program/class is setup to be completed over a weekend or any days set aside. It includes information for a Mother/Daughter or Father/Son “retreat”. It comes with a “Tour Guide” for the parent and the child to follow through the kit, a Weekend getaway check list of things you will need to make this study a fun and memorable time, as well as a set of CD’s and a Journal for the son/daughter to follow along with on the journey. In Passport 2 Purity they teach us about such things as peer pressure, friendships, dating differently, life’s challenges, traps and choices as well as some optional content on sex and sexual purity. This kit teaches on Purity in our lives and how dangerous it is being a teenager. With all the traps out there set by the enemy living in the teens years can be tough. These lessons teach how to set boundaries to stay out of these traps before they are tripped. The CD set includes (5) sessions, scripture memory songs and has downloadable MP3 which I plan on downloading to our music devices so my son and I can listen as a refresher to these sessions at any time we need after we have had our retreat. I have not yet had the opportunity to take my son on this retreat but after reviewing the materials, I will say I am very much looking forward to taking him on this journey and reviewing these materials and beginning this next conversation of life. – David T. (Father)
A life-changing getaway with your preteen
Your child begins the journey into adolescence in a world of sexting, bullying, online stalking and moral defiance. Innocence is under attack, and you cannot win the battle with a single awkward talk or a strict set of rules. The primary defense for your child is a strong relationship with you and with God.
FamilyLife has developed Passport2Purity® (P2P) to assist you in building heart-to-heart communication with your preteen while laying a foundation of purity that will prepare them for the turbulent years ahead. Through the shared listening experience, object lessons and guided conversations of a P2P weekend getaway, you can set your son or daughter on a journey of moral integrity—and strengthen the bond between you.
The third edition of Passport2Purity (P2P Version 3) features new design, copy revisions, the addition of 25 student devotionals, and an accompanying project kit (sold separately). P2P is designed to help parents discuss love, sex, and relationships with their preteen children. The Passport2Purity kit includes a parent guide (Tour Guide), a student guide (Travel Journal), and five audio sessions on CD with special projects.
Session One: Beginning the Journey
Challenges, Traps, and Choices
This session lays the groundwork for the weekend. Discusses challenges adolescents may encounter and choices they will have to make.
Session Two: Running with the Herd
Friendships and Peer Pressure
Session two leads the child on an evaluation of their friendships and an evaluation of themselves as a friend. It asks them to consider the influence their peers are having on them and the influence they are having on their peers.
Session Three: Ready for an Upgrade?
Changes in Him, Changes in Her
Session three discusses the physical changes that are going to occur in the child’s life. It encourages him or her to treat the opposite sex with respect. Separate sections are addressed to the young men and young women. It also explains the act of sex and how it is a gift from God to be saved for marriage.
Session Four: Destination: Lé Pure
Setting Boundaries
Session four talks about setting boundaries both physically and emotionally and deciding beforehand how far you will go. Encourages parents to set boundaries on the front end with their child and discusses the consequences of not having boundaries.
Session Five: Crossing the Date Line
Seeing Dating Differently
Session five is a summation of the weekend. Parent and child hopefully will reach an agreement about when a child will date and what that will look like.
Passport2Purity® is designed to be used by a mother and daughter or a father and son when the child is a preteen. It is suggested that the materials be completed over a weekend away from home, as the child may be more open to discussing the topics away from his or her normal environment. If this isn’t possible, the material can be completed over a period of four or five weeks.
Also available is the Passport2Purity® Project Kit which features materials needed to do the weekend projects; and the Passport2Purity Replacement Kit for parents wanting to take another child through the P2P experience (includes one Travel Journal and one visa sticker). Both are sold separately.
About the Series:
CD and Paperback: one Tour Guide (parent), one Travel Journal (preteen), and eight CDs (5 sessions, scripture memory songs & MP3s that can be downloaded from the CDs)
Publisher: FamilyLife Publishing (May, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781602005228
Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 9.25 x 1.5 inches
Here’s a letter that is in the preface of the book:
Dear Parent,
Talk to your child about sex . . .
Sounds a little scary, doesn’t it? But you can do this. And if they don’t
learn it from you, they will learn it from somebody else.
There’s a lot at stake for your child as he or she approaches the turbulent
season of adolescence, and they need you as much now as they did through
the infant and toddler years. There are new dangers, challenges, and opportunities
Be there.
The idea of going away for an entire weekend with your preteen may be
new to you and perhaps even a little unsettling as you think about what you’ll
discuss. But let us assure you that the cost-benefit ratio of this weekend is
great. What you pour into this—an invaluable, concentrated time of memories
and conversations—can result in relational equity and closeness that can
last a lifetime. You’ll demonstrate trust in your child through the wise and
compassionate yet straightforward treatment of these sensitive topics. Your
child will hear—I value you and our relationship enough to tell you the truth.
You can talk to me about this, and you can trust me.
You’ll also be seizing an opportunity to establish and shape the framework
for your child’s worldview on many issues. Psychological theory holds
that the first view we hear on a topic has a significant effect on our future
interactions and beliefs. This means that as you talk about peer pressure, sex,
and dating during your weekend getaway, you’re shaping the lens through
which your child will decide what is true or false and right or wrong for years
to come. You will have the chance to cast a vision not just for what to avoid
but what the vast adventure of an untainted life, 100 percent devoted to
God, can look like. And that’s an opportunity you can’t afford to miss.
The good news: you’ve taken the first step by opening this book. The
better news: you’re not in this alone. God longs to generously give us the
wisdom we ask from Him (James 1:5–6) and offers His Holy Spirit to guide
each step and each conversation.
May He go before you, with you, in you, and through you.
Dennis and Barbara Rainey
Little Rock, Arkansas
About the Authors:
Dennis and Barbara Rainey cofounded FamilyLife®, an international ministry to families and marriages, located in Little Rock, Arkansas. Dennis hosts FamilyLife Today®, a nationally syndicated broadcast bringing help and hope to nearly 1000 communities in the U.S. They have six adult children and a growing group of happy grandchildren.
Connect With Them:
“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win. Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.” “Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at www.tigerstrypes.com. From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The service/product was given to me by the company or any agents of the company. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.”
Niiiice! I wish this was available way back. So many lost youths. Well, it’s never too late for the next generation.
Thanks for helping spread the news.
Would have been a blessing years ago, huh? Well, even if it’s too late for your own family, you can always share with others! 🙂
This sounds like a wonderful resource for all us parents trying to navigate the tricky world in which we our tweens and teens live.
Definitely has some great information in it – and even things that you might forget to talk about.
This looks like a great kit to help parents with the “talk.” I think it might help the kids too learn about saving themselves.
Absolutely – this is something that needs to happen much more often in today’s world.
This is fantastic! What an amazing package. I love things like this that really help guide those tricky discussions and in a biblical way!
It’s a great one for parents to help guide their kids, for sure!
This is pretty awesome. It’ll be handy once the kids are older!
Absolutely!! Never hurts to start talking to them when they are younger, too!