Go “Back to School” with Orkin!! #LearnWithOrkin 6

*I was compensated for this post with a prize pack. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience with the company.*

Go “Back to School” with Orkin!!

So August is almost over, the weather is starting to change a bit, and the kids are back in school!! This time of year is a great one to start planning for pest control. We live in the mountains of Arizona, and have had a really bad year with spiders, earwigs and other pests. Knowing that Fall and Winter are coming, we’re so glad, knowing that those will be gone!! However, Spring and Summer will be here in no time, and we need to be ready to keep our families and homes safe. Now you can, with Orkin!

It’s back-to-school time and class is in session … Orkin is back with Household Pests 101 – featuring some of Orkin’s scientific knowledge of pests. The Orkin Man is here to help you #LearnWithOrkin so you don’t get schooled by pest problems in your own home.

But Back-To-School doesn’t just mean for the kids. Orkin knows that moms are on the go more than ever and wants to make sure you’re all set when driving the kids to soccer practice, racing to make it to school on time and just maybe getting a minute for yourself!

See how this great app can help you, and your family! Orkin has asked me to share with you the “Orkin’s Household Pests 101 blog app” and wants you to test your knowledge by taking their “Pest Prevention Pop Quiz”! After you do this, you can enter in the Gleam Contest for a Orkin Back-To-School Prize Pack that will be awarded to one of my amazing blog readers!

The Orkin Back-To-School Prize Pack includes:

One (1) Silver USB Portable Charger – We know you’re on the go from sun up to sun down and you can’t afford not to be accessible. This emergency charger is small, sleek and can help your phone keep up with your busy lifestyle!

One (1) Double Wall Stainless Steel Travel Mug w/ lid – Your car isn’t the only thing that needs fueling up in the morning … this stainless steel travel mug is a great way to ensure your morning coffee is always within arm’s reach.

One (1) Orkin “Protect Your Home” PDF Checklist – This handy checklist from the experts at Orkin will help you think like a pest in order to help protect your home from pests.


Enter To Win:

Back to School Prize Pack from Orkin

About Orkin Household Pests 101:

Back-to-school time is a great time to #LearnWithOrkin about pest prevention. Take the Pest Prevention Pop Quiz to find out if you know how to think like a pest!

At Orkin, we use the latest technology and unparalleled training to develop an effective treatment that’s right for your needs. To learn more about our pest control based in science or to schedule an inspection, visit orkin.com or call 1-800-800-ORKIN.

Orkin on Facebook
Ask The Orkin Man® on Twitter
Orkin YouTube channel



Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at www.tigerstrypes.com. From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The service/product was purchased by me with monetary means, points, or coupons. No portion of the product/service was given to me by the company or any agents of the company. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.

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9 years ago

I love that Orkin remembers the moms and the pests, lol! It certainly is such a timely post considering the transitioning seasons and all those pesky little ‘bugs’ #PestPrevention

9 years ago

We live in Texas, so let me tell you that the bugs take over quickly if you aren’t careful! It’s so important to have good pest control.

Grace Hodgin
9 years ago

We did not have our usual problem with ants this year but where are those gnats getting in? I need to take the quizz maybe it can help me.