Halloween Ghost Craft #DIY 10

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Halloween Ghost Craft

#DIY #Craft #Halloween

I still cannot believe that it’s already October!!  This year has been going by so fast.  With how hot it was in our Arizona Mountains this summer though, I’m kind of glad.  The temperatures even up here at 6700′ were brutal!  I don’t know how people can survive in the valley, without being in an air-conditioned room all day!  No thanks.

With Halloween almost here, I thought it would be fun to make this.  I saw something like it on Pinterest and thought that it would be fun to make.  Inexpensive items from the dollar store, or you could use things that you already have around the house to save even more.  I made two of them, and they remind me of my granddaughters being over in their costumes to enjoy Halloween.  They are on the landing of our staircase, so you get to see them when you walk by or climb the stairs. 🙂

Here’s hoping that you enjoy this craft idea for this October.  If you end up making some, please share a photo on my FB page or Instagram and tag me.  I’d love to see what you come up with!  I sure hope that you like the tutorial, and pray that you have a blessed day!

Please be sure to take the time to comment, and share this craft on your social media channels – thanks so much!!

Learn how to make a #Halloween Ghost Craft! Your own little Trick-or-Treater! #Kid #Children #Craft #DIY via #TigerStrypesBlog - Find out more at Share on X


Materials/Tools Used:

  • Small White Trash Can
  • Stick-Up Light
  • Plungers (2)
  • Fabric (White & 1 Style)
  • Small Shoes/Socks
  • Craft Foam/Styrofoam
  • Flowers, Ribbon, Adhesive Vinyl, Etc.
  • Glue Gun/Adhesive
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • & Time!

Instructions for the Halloween Ghost Craft:

Start by removing the rubber part of the plunger(s).  With some fabric that has a design, use your glue gun to cover the wooden portion of the plunger(s).  Trim the fabric to above the threads of the plunger, and at the top.




Next, cut up some craft Styrofoam and insert it into each sock.  Be sure to shape it, to fit inside of the shoe(s).  You’ll need enough to keep the plunger handle(s) steady, when you have the trash can on it, and all of the rest.  Insert the sock into the shoe and shape it, as necessary.  Now insert and secure the plunger handle(s) into the Styrofoam and adhere tightly with glue, or whatever is needed.



When both of the “legs” are dry, you can start on the next part.  Glue or attach your tap light to the back side of the trash can.  Be sure to have it in a spot that you’ll be able to access, when complete.  Attach the “legs” by gluing each top to the inside of the trash can.  Be sure to use some strong glue to hold it tight.  I tried a glue gun, but it really didn’t stay secure, so maybe some JB Weld, or Gorilla Glue would work better for this part.


Now, measure out the ballpark circumference of what to cut your circle of fabric to go over the top of the trash can.  I pretty much measured the length of the can from the top to the bottom and added a little bit.  Used this as a radius on some folded fabric to cut the circle.  It’s probably best to wash and iron the fabric that you’ll use now.  I didn’t have time to do that, and just wanted to finish the project, so please forgive my wrinkles in the finished ghost. 🙂


Using a dot of glue, put the piece of fabric over the trash can evenly to create your ghost costume.  Using some adhesive vinyl, or even craft paper, cut out some ovals for the eyes and secure them to the “face” of the ghost.


After that, you can decorate your ghost however you like.  I made a bow for one of their head(s), created “clothes” (glued to the bottom of the trash can), and added a flower to one shoe and top of the can.  It’s totally up to you and how you want them to look.  Go crazy with extra craft supplies that you have laying around.  You can finally make use of some of them! ha/ha




What do you think of my Halloween ghost?  I hope you like it!  Please take a minute to leave me a comment on what you would like to create, and maybe if you have any tips on how to do it different, or better!

Be sure to tweet, pin, share, etc. – thanks!!

“Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”Luke 24:39

Click Here to Find Some Craft Supplies

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4 months ago

This is the cutest ghost ever!!

4 months ago

What a cute idea! This is so creative, and would be fun to make. Thanks for sharing your idea.

Lavanda Michelle
Lavanda Michelle
4 months ago

! I love how you used inexpensive items to create something so festive, and I can’t wait to try it out with my kids.

Heidi Bee
4 months ago

This is so adorable!! I love it so much.

Amber Myers
Amber Myers
4 months ago

Oh my gosh, how cute. I need to make a ghost. She’s just adorable.