9/11 Movie – In Theaters September 9th 12

Thank you Tether Group for partnering with me on this blog post & for the great giveaway!movie
9/11 Movie – In Theaters September 9th
#Remember911 #TigerStrypesBlog

The @9_11Movie will be out soon & will pay tribute to the tragic event. #Remember911 - Find out more at Share on X

Have you heard about the new 9/11 movie that is coming out next month? The film 9/11 is based on a true story and chronicles the lives of five average, everyday people who find themselves trapped in an elevator during the events of 9/11 in the World Trade Center. Here’s the preview:

If you have a memory like I do, you don’t remember where you put your keys, or that person’s name that you were just talking to. With 9/11, though, I think we all can remember that day, and some of the things that happened in our own lives, even if we were far from the event. I remember being in our living room with our 9 month old son (at the time) and having my husband call me and tell me to turn on the news. It was really early in the morning and we were watching it at the same time when the 2nd plane hit. I think you could hear a pin drop around the city when that happened. We were all shocked and stunned and immediately ticked off, knowing that the first one wasn’t an accident after all.

Then you hear the stories of the Pentagon and the amazing heroes on the other plane that was headed to the Capitol Building. It still hurts my heart this many years later of how many lost loved ones and have those visions in their heads from being there, that will never go away. Our church had a few guys who went there after to help out, here are a few photos that they took:

Where were you when it happened? Leave a comment below and let me know. Also, check out this new movie and tell your friends. Enter to win a prize pack below to keep some of the memories of this film. 

About the 9/11 movie:

9/11 opens in theaters on September 8 and features an all star cast.  They include Luis Guzman (The Taking of Pelham 1,2,3), Gina Gershon (Showgirls), Wood Harris (Justified), Jacqueline Bisset (Dancing on the Edge (BBC), Welcome to New York), Olga Fonda (The Vampire Diaries) and Bruce Davison (X-Men).

In the World Trade Center, a billionaire sits in his attorney’s office awaiting a divorce hearing against his wife. In a west side apartment, a bike messenger kisses his 5-year old daughter and sings her “Happy Birthday” before leaving for work. A maintenance man gets dispatched to help a tenant with his lock. In an upper east side apartment, a young model musters the courage to break up with her sugar daddy. As random as random can be, these individuals step into a crowded World Trade Center elevator.


Wrapped up in their own world, they all ride silently hearing only the sound of the elevator giving notice of each floor. When the elevator stops on the 34th floor, it empties leaving only these five behind. Moments later … their world changes as the collision of a jet into the North Tower incapacitates the elevator.

With no understanding of what has happened and is happening around them, these fives are forced to band together and fight against all odds to escape from the impending horrific collapse. During these critical minutes, a story of courage, faith, and the will to live unfolds.

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Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at www.tigerstrypes.com. From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have an affiliation with these said companies, and have received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The service/product was purchased by me with monetary means, points, or coupons. No portion of the product/service was given to me by the company or any agents of the company. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.
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Rebecca Swenor
Rebecca Swenor
6 years ago

I was at work as a housekeeper when 9/11 happened. All of us housekeepers were in one room including desk clerk when the second plane it. The whole hotel was instantly silent. This hit me hard because I had friends in the pentagon when it that plane hit. Thanks for sharing your experience and the movie.

6 years ago

I still remember it like it was yesterday–I had a client -the bldg I worked in was right behind those towers-luckily I was at a client in Connecticut that day. We spent hours until we could contact his son who lived down there–I knew many people who were extremely lucky in one way or another that day and some who were not. I don’t think I will be ble to watch that movie–just watching the preview has me totally shook up—–I will never forget that day.

6 years ago

I still remember 9-11 like it was yesterday. I’m going to plan to see this movie.

Patty H
Patty H
6 years ago

i hate reliving this day. My husband was there helping to fight fires and search after the buildings fell. I cant help but become anxious any time I see movies or tv shows about it. We lost a father from our town too.

Gladys Parker
6 years ago

What an awesome giveaway for those that collect autographs! This movie sounds like a tear jerker but I can’t wait to see it. I was at a friend’s restaurant and I heard it on the radio. Everyone was tuning in or going somewhere to find out more. I will never forget that day like most Americans.

Linda Kinsman
6 years ago

I remember this day so well. I’m glad you and I are both working on sharing this movie and giveaway with our readers. It is truly an important part of our history.