Guess What? It’s Ugly Christmas Sweater Season! 30

Thank you Ugly Christmas Sweaters for partnering with me on this blog post & for the great giveaway!
Guess What?
It’s Ugly Christmas Sweater Season!
#UglyChristmasSweater #ad
I recently heard from a representative of Ugly Christmas Sweaters, asking me to help them promote their amazing products for the holidays. If you’re like me, you’ve seen the invites for the parties where it’s a requirement to wear a sweater that years ago, most of our parents actually made us wear, for real! Well, nowadays, it’s a lot more fun, and there are a lot more options that either make you laugh, make you smile or help bring out conversation in a crowd.

How many of you have gone to that Ugly Sweater party? What did you wear? Leave a comment below and tell me the greatest one that you’ve ever seen, worn, or wish you could have. With the Ugly Christmas Sweater website, we no longer have to brave the yard sales or thrift stores, trying to find that special one. Now you can get one from them without the moth ball smell and even have it personalized.

I looked over all of the great options that they had, and finally decided on this one:




Does everyone remember where that slogan came from? When I saw it, it just made me crack up, so I figured that it was perfect!  What do you think?

One of my other favorites is the one that they partnered with Tampa, Florida’s Big Cat Rescue to raise money for one of the largest accredited sanctuaries for exotic cats in the world. Here’s what it looks like:


If you know me, you know I’m a big cat lover – why else would the name of my blog be TigerStrypes, right? As animal lovers, by purchasing this ugly Big Cat Rescue Christmas sweater, Ugly Christmas Sweaters will be donating 30% from your purchase to the sanctuary to help stop big cat abuse and neglect. Isn’t that awesome!!

Get ready for the #Christmas season with @uglyxsweater Wow your friends! Find out more at Share on X

Here’s a video of a few years back with their sweaters were featured on television:

What do you think of the products? If you love them, head over to their website and purchase something. Let them know that TigerStrypes sent you. You can also enter to win a sweater of your choice, here. Be sure to tell your friends.



Connect With Ugly Christmas Sweaters:






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Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The service/product was given to me by the company or any agents of the company. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.
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7 years ago

I like the Youth – Star Wars Darth Vader Face Black Sweater for my son

Kelly Kimmell
Kelly Kimmell
7 years ago

I like the Grinch as Santa Christmas Sweater.

7 years ago

I love the women’s wu-tang Christmas sweater!

7 years ago

These are so much fun! The women grinch sweater would get lots of laughs! 🙂

Bridget A
Bridget A
7 years ago

Oh my goodness…. how do I choose just one? However, I think I would choose the Women’s Grinch Face Dr. Seuss Christmas Sweater!

7 years ago

Hilarious! I love these!

Shelley R Zurek
7 years ago

There is always some ugly Christmas sweaters I want each year. Ugly Christmas Sweaters are definitely the cutest.

7 years ago

Hahaha, your sweater is awesome!! I love ugly Christmas sweaters. I really want the Lub a Dub Dub Rick and Morty sweater on their site as a gift – that is hilarious! Thanks for the introduction, and a fun giveaway. 🙂

Gladys parker
Gladys parker
7 years ago

I would get the Santa’s Butt Crack Ugly Sweater for my brother the plumber and all around Jack of all trades man. He’d get such a kick out of it! There were a few I found hilarious. I have never been to an ugly sweater party. He gets invited from clients he works for.

7 years ago

I love your sweater. Lol! I have a Star Wars ugly Christmas sweater that gets more compliments than my nice outfits. 🙂

7 years ago

I have never been to an ugly sweater party but I love the idea! So fun!

7 years ago

Oh my gosh! I love that Kevin sweater from Home Alone! Must buy!

Jacqui Odell
Jacqui Odell
7 years ago

This is so fun!! I need to get an ugly sweater!

Deanna U
7 years ago

How fun, I love ugly Christmas sweater season!

7 years ago

These are hilarious! My mom just announced that we’re all to wear something super festive like this on Christmas Eve so I need some of these!