Review of Levi Lusko’s “Through the Eyes of a Lion” 28

*I received a copy of this book to review but I was not financially compensated. Opinions expressed are my own and are based on observations while reading this novel.*

lionLevi Lusko’s “Through the Eyes of a Lion” (#EyesOfALion)

My family and I have had the blessing to visit events where Pastor Levi is serving. Seeing him during the Harvest Crusades and at a Leadership Conference at Calvary Chapel Tucson really helps you to feel where his heart is. I’ve loved his teaching and methods of service for a long time. Seeing a pastor lead a church, while still young, with a family, and with artwork on his skin, makes me feel even more centered with what God can do.

lionWhen we heard the news of Lenya’s passing, even though we had never met, we cried. Knowing what it’s like to be a parent, to have the love for your children…we could not even imagine what Levi and Jennie were going through. Sending prayers and hugs online (since we were far from them) was the only way to let them know that we cared and were praying for them.

Seeing the story in writing, did multiple things. It brought a smile to your face, laughter to your heart and tears to your eyes. It was a blessing to hear that Pastor Levi is real. He had questions…he had regrets. Some of the “teachers” in today’s world try to make it seem as if they are perfect, and God only loves you when you are, too. Myself, knowing that we will lionnever be perfect, found it comforting to know that this great man, who spreads the gospel and shares the Word, so well – was still human.

Reading Pastor Levi’s story, and hearing the story of Pastor Greg Laurie with the loss of his son years ago, made you realize that no matter what, we all deal with tragedy, unhappiness and grief. The bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:7 to…”Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” Jesus himself had grief. The shortest verse in the bible is “Jesus Wept”. Having sadness, having anger, having guilt are normal. It’s just knowing that there are others out there, that have dealt with it, too. We must remember to open up, ask for help or for someone to just be there. When you feel that nobody else has gone through something…think again.

This book was amazing.  Some of the pieces really touched my heart, here are a few of them:

What happens in God’s house on Sunday is absolutely key to making it through Saturday.”

“This is how God rolls. He puts to use what He puts us through.”

“Earth is not our home, heaven is.”

“True bravery isn’t feeling no fear – it’s being afraid and moving forward anyway.”

Amen to all of those, right?  Being a part of the street team and blogger community for this book brings me joy. Knowing that sweet little Lenya Lion, who is no longer here with us on earth, is up in heaven smiling.  Seeing her story being spread around the world by her amazing father. Letting people know that there are ways to get through things like this and that the best is yet to come.



What will you do when the unthinkable happens in your life?

lionHer parents called her Lenya Lion because of her ferocious personality and hair that had been wild and mane-like since birth. But they never expected that, five days before Christmas, their five-year-old daughter would suddenly go to heaven after an asthma attack. How do you walk out of an emergency room without your daughter?

In Through the Eyes of a Lion, Pastor Levi Lusko shares the eye-opening truth of the power of hope in a world that is often filled with pain, suffering, and loss. He says, “This book isn’t a manual for grieving, but a manifesto for high-octane living, and through it I want you to see that God made you for a purpose. There is a wild and wonderful calling on your life, a microphone in your hands. Jesus wants you to look at the adventure of your life through His eyes, the eyes of a Lion.”

Part memoir but all overtly instructive and deeply inspirational, Through the Eyes of a Lion gives readers the tools they need to face their fears and turn their journey into a roar story.

Chapter themes include:lion

  • Don’t rely on the naked eye
  • Run towards the roar
  • There’s no such thing as a wireless anchor
  • Let God use your pain
  • Cue the eagle


What we do in life really does echo in eternity. You are destined for impact, and there’s not a moment to lose!

Product Details:

ISBN-13: 9780718032142
Publisher: Nelson, Thomas, Inc.
Publication Date: 08/04/2015
Pages: 240

Get a Copy:

Video From The Lenya Lion Celebration:

About The Author:
lionLevi Lusko is the pastor of Fresh Life Church, a multi-site church in Montana, and the founder of Skull Church and the O2 Experience. He serves as host for Greg Laurie’s Harvest Crusades, and has worked with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association as a creative consultant. He and his wife Jennie have four daughters, Alivia, Daisy, Clover, and Lenya, who is in heaven.


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Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The service/product was given to me by the company or any agents of the company. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.


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[…] Crusades in Anaheim, and online with his services has been amazing. I have reviewed his “Through the Eyes of a Lion“, and “Take Back Your Life” books in the past, and both are amazing! His personal […]

9 years ago

Sounds like a good book to read, will add it to my list. Thanks!

9 years ago

It’s amazing that through so much tragedy and heartbreak, so much good can come. Sounds like an eye opening read.

9 years ago

What a powerful read. I can’t imagine going through this as a parent.

Jennifer H
9 years ago

Wow, what a story. This sounds like a great read for someone who’s is in a similar situation.

9 years ago

That is any parent’s worst nightmare. I am so inspired by people who can live such positive and meaningful lives after great loss.

9 years ago

I love when a book really touches you like that. I’ll have to check it out.

Grace Hodgin
9 years ago

This sounds very inspirational and life changing. It would never be easy to lose your child but when they leave at such an early age it is heart breaking.

Liz Mays
9 years ago

What an incredibly touching and oh so sad story. I can’t even imagine.It sounds like a heartbreaker to watch though.

9 years ago

This looks like a great story. I love animals, and lions are so interesting to read about.

9 years ago

Through the Eyes of a Lion sounds like a different perspective that I could use. I want to check this out.

Heather lawrence
9 years ago

What an adorable little girl… I can only imagine how hard it was for the entire church to deal with this.
God has a crazy way of using pain and heartache to reach his children so they can minister to those around them.
This side of heaven we will never know the full reasons behind why this happened.

tara pittman
9 years ago

So sad when a child is taken away. I could not even begin to imagine the pain.

9 years ago

What a heartbreaking story – I teared up just reading the synopsis. People who are able to overcome loss like that I have so much respect for. I am sure that is an incredible book.

Robin Rue (@massholemommy)
Robin Rue (@massholemommy)
9 years ago

That sounds like a really powerful read. I think I need to get my hands on a copy of it.

9 years ago

Oh this sounds like a must read! I love it, would really enjoy this one. I’m so glad they where able to write about their experience and what they learned. It would help so many others that have been through something similar