(I received this book from FlyByPromotions and was asked to listen to it and give my opinion. All opinions are my own. Full disclaimer below)
I got an email from Laura Beth with FlyByPromotions about a new book coming out called “The Hardest Peace – Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life’s Hard” by Kara Tippetts, and was asked to read it and give my review on it by way of blog post.
I began reading “The Hardest Peace” book, not really knowing exactly what it would be about. It sounded like the author had to go through a certain trial, but I wasn’t sure exactly what it was. Reading the back cover and seeing that this was in regards to a struggle with cancer, it really made me think. With October being “Breast Cancer Awareness Month“, I thought the release of this book at this time was perfect! In the very beginning of the book, Rod Dreher says: “…by showing us how to die, Kara Tippetts shows us how to live.” That right there, made me know that the book was written by someone who didn’t fear death, per se, but wanted to live their life to the fullest to make it worth their time on this earth.
I’ve known a few people that have gone through the struggles of cancer, and you always hear the same story of how important every minute of every day is, and how spending time with your family is one of the most important things. She says on page 35: “…the redemption of my hard yesterdays gives me a softened heart to walk in my tomorrows“. Praise God that we all have a tomorrow, either here on earth or in eternity with Him. Just being able to change your list of “Most Important’s” and live life for what truly matters can make a difference, for sure.
She talks about how after the family had moved to start a different life, they were confronted by a large wildfire in their area…and she talks about it in a way I can understand. On page 71, she says: “The fire stole my thirst for stuff, the things of life. And cancer stole my moments, replacing them with an intensity to live every breath with intention.” I know that feeling of thinking you will have to evacuate and looking around your home to see what is most important. Like everyone’s list I ever hear of, it’s photos and keepsakes that can not be replaced. We have to live life with the things that are most important at the front of our being and not worry about the “stuff”. That stuff can be replaced…our time with family cannot. Now I don’t know the trauma of cancer personally, but I’ve heard that everyone wishes they had a bit more special time to be with their family. Stories I’ve heard and the book talking about how even when Kara wasn’t feeling well, she would lay with her son and watch a movie. Even though to some, that seems like nothing, with what she went through, I’m sure those few minutes are irreplaceable.
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” -2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)
Continuing to have faith during times like this, I’m sure can be hard, but you have to think of how you can be used by God in going through this trial. I remember going through having brain surgery for Epilepsy and thinking “why me?” You always wonder why you are dealt the cards you are given, but recently I’ve been blessed to talk with other people who are going through the effects of the surgery and know exactly how they feel. God has used me to just be there in empathy instead of sympathy.
Let’s take a minute to look around our lives and see if there are people we know that are being affected or have been affected by cancer. Raise your pink ribbon high, and let them know that you love them. There might not be anything you are able to do, but know that just being there with a shoulder to lean on – even when words are not said – can mean more than you ever know!
About the Book:
From Kara Tippetts: David C Cook approached me to write this manuscript soon after I was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic cancer. I will not forget the the meeting when the team from DCC sat with Jason and I and began to dream the telling of this story- the naming of grace in the midst of suffering. There was a hesitancy from all of us if I would have the strength, the ability, the days to write the book. We all felt strongly that we could partner to write this book. Writing The Hardest Peace proved to be a gift to write. The writing of this book helped me through the diagnosis of cancer finding more and more corners in my body: my brain, my bones, my liver, my lymph system. The writing of this book caused me to look at my story and seek the grace to walk this hard path with cancer.
I often fail, I’m often found in weakness and brokenness, but through it all I am met- always met in love. This is not simply my story and journey with cancer. It is a book written to appeal to us all as we meet the bitter edges of life on this side of eternity. In the brokenness of our unmet expectations of life, will we look for Jesus and His abundant love? Or will we tumble into bitterness and anger that leave us utterly self focused and disappointed by the hard in our story each of us are asked to receive.
The pages are an accounting of the faithfulness of the Author of life. I am simply the teller and namer of the grace. Look intentionally at your own story today? Could you use encouragement to live near to Jesus? If that is a longing of your heart, I invite you to join me on this hard journey of looking, naming, meeting Jesus when the story is written in His beautiful sovereignty.
Kara Tippetts knows the ordinary days of mothering four kids, the joy of watching her children grow…and the devastating reality of stage-four cancer.
In The Hardest Peace, Kara doesn’t offer answers for when living is hard, but she asks us to join her in moving away from fear and control and toward peace and grace. Most of all, she draws us back to the God who is with us, in the mundane and the suffering, and who shapes even our pain into beauty.
Product Details:
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: David C. Cook (October 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0781412153
ISBN-13: 978-0781412155
Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.5 x 0.5 inches
Purchase A Copy Here:
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“The Hardest Peace” Book Giveaway
About The Author
Kara Tippetts and her husband, Jason, have four children and are planting a church in Colorado Springs, CO. Cancer is only part of Kara’s story. Her real fight is to truly live while facing a crushing reality. She blogs faithfully at mundanefaithfulness.com.
About The Publisher
David C Cook is a ministry that publishes and distributes discipleship and worship materials that are transforming lives around the world.
Our calling, since 1875, is to equip local churches on a global scale, assisting them as they introduce generations to Jesus Christ, make and teach disciples, and lead songs of worship.
Join us as we serve people in plenty and poverty, seeing for yourself how God rewrites their earthly stories and changes their eternal lives.
Know that 100% of your investment will go directly to furthering God’s message of love and forgiveness in some of the most remote places of the world.
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“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this book for my review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”
A wonderful post and review! This sounds like a wonderful book. I learned, in recent years, that even the difficulties are blessings. Thank you so much for sharing! #ibablogger
A beautiful review! It makes me reflect on how I”m living my life today – despite a cancer diagnosis and makes me wonder if what I am doing is what GOD wants me to be doing? Is it His will for my life? Is it His best for my life? Because everything can change in an instant and I don’t want to have the regrets of not having spent enough time with my family or fill-in-the-blank. Congratulations on the opportunity to review such a beautiful book! #ibabloggers
So you’re dealing with what the author is, Katie? Wow – it seems to be a bit too common in today’s world. I’ll be praying for you!!
Sounds like a good read! Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to add this to my books to read list.
I think cancer has touched everyone’s life in some way of another. My mother and MIL both passed of cancer and considering how painful it was, they both handled it really well till the very end. Sounds like this is a great book to read. #ibabloggers
Wow Jamie you write wonderfully and you gave a great description of the book. I have known of people with cancer during these last few years and something that grabs me is that none of them are afraid to pass on but at the same time they are in no hurry too. Recently me and my partner Louise sat down to watch a film called ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ and is something that I highly recommend you watch as well as it deals with the subject of cancer in young adults. Being a 30 something gent I like to… Read more »
Thanks Phillip – it is sad that people have to go through this, but praise God knowing that when we are with Him, there will be no more sickness or death! I cannot wait for that day!
Cancer is a terrible thing and i have known way to many that have or had it!
I haven’t even read the book yet and I’m tearing up from your description and the little bits you quoted. I am tempted to read it but then again I fear I would be crying all the way through it. It definitely sounds like a very emotional and inspirational read. #ibabloggers
It is definitely one that makes you think. The part I love the most is how the author Kara writes like she feels and not trying to make the reader feel for her, etc. I thank God for people like her and the difference that they can make in other’s lives!
This sounds like a good book. There is a teen in our church who has bone cancer. He lost his leg and had to go through lung surgery.
Oh, poor kid. It seems like it’s just happening to younger and younger people. 🙁