Make Some “Letter Tile Coasters” #TigerStrypesBlog 11

Letter Tile Coasters” #TBCCrafters Hop


I remember years ago that you would always see the letter game at thrift stores, etc.  Now, of course, when I want to use that for a craft, I can find none anywhere, nobody is willing to give one up and people online are asking crazy amounts for this simple game.  Weird.  I finally posted a ISO on the local Facebook page in my community asking if anyone had any and a sweet lady told me she had 2 bags with the stands and only wanted a few bucks for them! SCORE!!  Now I can use them for more crafts!  Love it!  This one is pretty easy to do and can be personalized to whatever you want, so have fun!

I hope you like it!! Have a blessed day, and please be sure to comment on and share this #TBCCrafters craft!!

Letter Tile Coasters” Craft

Materials/Tools Used: 

  • Tiles from the letter game 🙂
  • Adhesive Backed Felt
  • Scissors
  • & Time!



Start by cutting out pieces of the adhesive backed felt in sizes larger than the coaster will actually be.  The size and amount of tiles you use, is completely up to you, so this will differ with whatever you choose to do.  I was only using 4×4 tiles, so I cut about a 5″ x 5″ portion, so I had a bit extra.


Once you have the bottoms ready, you can being on creating your designs.  I just poured the letters out and started putting things together as best as I could.  It seemed to be every letter I needed was missing…ha/ha…oh well, it all worked out in the end.  Just kind of rough draft the ones you wish to use and then you’ll be ready to move on to the next step.  


Once you have the letters together that you wish to use, you can start “gluing” them onto the felt.  Remove the backing paper and start laying your tiles out on the sticky side, being sure to have the edges very close together, and straight.


When you have all of the words on your foam piece (for however many you decide to make), just be sure to push them down firmly, so that they are secure on the felt piece.


Now just use your scissors to trim the edges around the tiles to finish it up.


Now you’re set to enjoy your personalized letter tile coasters…or give them as a gift to someone who will! 🙂


Hope you like it!  Please take a minute to leave me a comment and let me know what you would do different, or what you would add, etc.  Be sure to tweet, pin, share, etc. – thanks!!

“When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.” -Luke 5:19


All pictures and text are my own and have not been copied in any way.  I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate Tiger Strypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences or creations with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing or using their service/product. The information that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience, I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.





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Linda Kinsman
10 years ago

What a cute and creative idea!

Melissa Smith
Melissa Smith
10 years ago

That is such a neat idea! I know we have a couple Scrabble games around here somewhere that we haven’t played with in years too. 🙂

10 years ago

Very cool idea, did you buy scrabble game?Where would be a good place to purchase tiles

Bernadette N
10 years ago

Nice! These look fun! The kids would enjoy this craft!

Cali Julz
10 years ago

OK, This I am doing!! I love the idea..simple yet speaks volumes!

Yona Williams
10 years ago

Very cool that you scored the tiles for a low price. I LOVE this craft – especially the wine-themed one and how all the letters fit perfectly.

Crystal Martin
10 years ago

These are so cute! I would have never thought to make coasters using letter tiles. We use coasters a LOT here so you’ve given me a new craft idea. Thanks for sharing!

tara pittman
10 years ago

This is a great way to use up game pieces to games that are no longer played. Very cool looking.

10 years ago

I have thought of doing something like this, but we actually use our “letter” game. I wonder if they sell letter tiles like this at a craft store. They turned out great!

10 years ago

I have never thought about doing this but what a great and fun idea!

Rose Powell
10 years ago

I love these, I saw these before and wanted to make them! TOO CUTE! Pinning!