
Some Great Toys for Early Christmas Shopping Ideas!! 10

Thank you Element Associates for partnering with me on this blog post!​ Some Great Toys for Early Christmas Shopping Ideas!!#Target #AllProPasser #Smithsonian #WubbleI recently got the chance to review the All Pro Passer, some Smithsonian products and Wubble toys! Since my son is now 21, it’s been a long time […]



So…This Is What The Truth Feels Like! 3

*I was financially compensated for this post. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.* So…This Is What The Truth Feels Like! #ThisIsWhatTheTruthFeelsLike #GwenO2O I recently received a copy of the CD by Gwen Stefani called “This Is What The Truth Feels Like“, from the One2OneNetwork. I’ve been […]