How Important is Summertime Play? 20

*I was financially compensated for this post. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.*

summertimeHow Important is Summertime Play?

It seems like in today’s world, playing outside doesn’t happen as much, as back when I was a kid.  We used to be told to leave the house, to go play and then come back when the lights came on (we didn’t have streetlights where I lived, so pretty much porch lights 🙂 )  The kids of today seem to be glued to their xBox or the TV…and way too much!!

We’re going through a phase with our son right now, of not letting him have most of his electronics during the week, and only on the weekend.  And of course, that brings on the crazy amount of attitude, and him telling us that we are not his boss.  Well, we’re his parents (check box for boss), and what we say, goes!  I give him the option of going to one of the local parks, taking a hike around the lake, or going swimming.  He almost always says that he doesn’t want to go with just me….OUCH!!  He will always asks me (at close to the end of the day), if he can call and see if a friend can come over.  Well friends are busy, and you can’t always plan around their schedules.

I just want him to know how important playing outside really is. He used to be so in love with the playground when he was younger, even taking time to run up to other kids and ask them if they wanted to play. It seems that the teenage years make some of that not as normal. We, as parents, need to change that.  He used to love going to the park and playing with other kids.  We were even a part of a Mommy Play group years ago with our church, where we would meet once a week, and let all of our kids play, and us be able to talk to other adults.  That was amazing. I definitely recommend joining a group like that if you have small kids.  Here are some of those fun times:

I think we should work, as parents, to get our kids out there more…onto the playground and meeting new people.  After all, swinging doesn’t end when you’re young – it’s even fun going as an adult, enjoying time with your children.

As the school year ends and summertime approaches, kids will find themselves with much more free time on their hands. Televisions, computers and cell phones will taunt them to stay indoors, which is why International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA) and the “Voice of Play” wanted me to let you know about some great activities and ideas that get kids – and parents – outside!

The “Voice of Play” is an education and advocacy initiative of the non-profit membership association, IPEMA, formed to educate and promote the benefits of children’s free outdoor play and playgrounds. Through the Voice of Play website and social media properties, IPEMA highlights the scientifically proven physical, social, emotional and cognitive benefits of play.

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Tweet: Let's join with @Voice_of_Play to help our kids have a great summer! #SummertimePlay Find out more at

About IPEMA:
summertimeIPEMA, the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association, provides 3rd party Product Certification services for U.S. and Canadian public play equipment and public play surfacing materials in the U.S. We service IPEMA-certified member companies, affiliated playground industry groups and anyone with an interest in playground equipment regulations.


About Voice of Play:
summertimeFounded in 2006, IPEMA’s Voice of Play initiative promotes growth in the quality and quantity of children’s free play and the use of playgrounds. By providing information and resources, the Voice of Play’s goal is to increase education and awareness about the many benefits of children’s play, including the development of critical physical, emotional, social and cognitive skills. As nice as it sounds—to both kids and adults—children do learn from playing on their own, and IPEMA wants to preserve play and playgrounds for our own children and those in the future. Whether you’re a parent, child, community group, school principal, teacher; parks and recreation professional; playground designer, equipment manufacturer; or anyone who cares about kids and play, the Voice of Play website and social media efforts are a great resource for those who want to learn about the many benefits of play.

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Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have received compensation for reviewing their service/product.  The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.

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Stacey Welch-Andrade
8 years ago

Totally agree with you!! #HomeMattersParty

Crystal Green
9 years ago

I hope this reaches the residents in my town. Our local playgrounds are like a ghost town. I wish more parents would take their kids outside and to the local parks so that they can meet new people and enjoy the great outdoors.

Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger

It’s hard to get the kids to WANT to hang out outside during the hot summer months, but it is great to see your kids enjoying the playground!

9 years ago

I love the initiative by Voice of Play to get kids outdoors to run and play during the summer. I think it’s so important and I can already see my seven-year-old wanting to just play games all day indoors if I let him. I love spending time with them outside and yes, I still like to swing, too!

Heidi Bee
Heidi Bee
9 years ago

How terrific! Outdoor play is way important and I look forward to our playtimes all year! I am not really an outdoors person but I love it with the kiddos!

9 years ago

I couldn’t agree more. With the temperature already in the high 90’s where I live, it has become easy to decide to do something indoors versus outdoors. But we have to get to the playground, have some fun. Thanks for sharing!

Tara Pittman
9 years ago

I try to get my boys out every day to the park. The park has a free lunch in the summer.

9 years ago

I’ve always thought imaginative and outdoor play was important for kids. Thanks for sharing this message and helping getting the word out!

9 years ago

My son is home for summer and we spend a lot of time playing. I set up play dates. I took him to a water park this morning. It’s so good to keep him active and playing!

Grace Hodgin
Grace Hodgin
9 years ago

I agree with you so much. I think sometimes as parents it is just so much easier to let something entertain our children then teach our children to entertain themselves by outside play. Creativity and the imagination are created and nurtured by playing outside. “Voice of Play” sounds like a great voice for free play.