Beautiful Custom Jewelry & More…from Rock Daisy! 4

Thank you Rock Daisy for partnering with me on this blog post!



Beautiful Custom Jewelry & More…from Rock Daisy!
#SterlingSilver #Turquoise #Leather #Jewelry #Home

rockI was doing some research online and found that jewelry is one of civilization’s earliest forms of decoration, dating back at least 7,000 years to the oldest known human societies in Mesopotamia and Egypt. The art has taken many forms throughout the centuries, from the simple beadwork of ancient times to the sophisticated metalworking and gem cutting known in the modern day.

If you’re like me, you like a more natural style of jewelry. The things that are formed from God’s creation, and are able to be worn with just about anything are the best! I’ve never really liked the super expensive diamonds or the frilly style that people pay way too much for. I’d rather go with something natural, that has different colors, and especially is made by someone who enjoys creating their artwork. Those pieces are always my favorites. What about you?

I met Kerri years ago at church. We would have events over at her house, and her style was always so beautiful! Then I met her Mom, and saw where she got it from! Wonderful ladies, that really leave a mark on your heart. When I saw that Kerri was starting Rock Daisy, and I was blessed to be able to help her create her logo. rockI couldn’t wait to see what she would offer.

Seeing posts of beautiful earrings, bracelets, artwork and even bookmarks, always made me smile. The materials that she uses are always so beautiful together, and she has a knack for mixing colors that just go so well with everything. Plus, and added bonus is that her creations are a very decent price and she doesn’t gouge you with over the top shipping prices! We all usually know what it costs to ship, and are so overcharged by some others.

I always have her social media pages saved, and look forward to new creations that she releases. You have to be quick, though, because people jump on buying stuff in no time. Her products are not cookie-cutter for sure, and if you have a style that you like, she will mostly likely come out with something that goes with it. You might even get in touch with her, to see about custom pieces…she can probably do that, too!

Check out the beautiful #jewelry and custom #artwork from Rock Daisy! #Turquoise, #SterlingSilver, #Leather and others! Find out more at Share on X


Be sure to check out her pages, and let her know that TigerStrypes sent you. You and the one you give the gift to, will definitely be delighted. You might be so happy, in fact, that you’ll need to buy another!

Here are some photos of her great products, like I said, they go quickly! Be sure to keep an eye on her pages, and place your order quickly when you see something you like!

rock rock rock
rock rock rock


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Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals.
Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.
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2 years ago

I do not wear a lot of jewelry but I do like the natural look best from stones such as these. These are lovely.

Heidi Bee
Heidi Bee
2 years ago

These are absolutely gorgeous. I am very thankful that you shared it with us!