Paul’s Promise Movie Review 10

Thank you Momentum Influencers for partnering with me on this blog post & for the great giveaway! Many thanks to Damascus Road Productions for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.
Paul’s Promise Movie Review
Based on a True Story
#PaulsPromiseMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

My Dad wasted too much time looking down the neck of a bottle. I figured I’d quit and see what life is like. -Paul



My husband and I were able to watch Paul’s Promise the other night, before it’s even released in theatres. The movie was incredible. I always love themes set in times past. With what the story is based on, is still hurts my heart that some people had to go through things like are covered in the movie. Racism, ignorance and hate…I just wish those things didn’t even exist in this world. I cannot wait for the day, when all negative traits, feelings and attitude are gone. We are all one, and should NEVER feel above or better than any other. I remember hearing some racist remarks from my grandparents back in the day. Born in the 20’s, that was what they felt was normal and okay. I vowed to never use the words they did, or make the judgements that they placed on others. God made us all, we are all the same and some have had to overcome many obstacles, which I see as completely unfair.

Growing up in Southern California, our schools had many different types of people. I never even realized any of us were different…except maybe the ones that didn’t like Kool-Aid and then they were weird. My Mom & Dad taught me to enjoy time with anyone who was a positive person, to never talk down to others and always look for the good in people. I look back at my life then, and what a different world we lived in.

We watched the All in the Family, the Jefferson’s and other shows with many different races, and lifestyles. Never even crossed my mind to place judgement or feel differently about someone. We just enjoyed life. I so wish that this world we have now, that my granddaughter is growing up in, was a bit more like back then. We didn’t have the negative news stories always on TV, and their was no social media to worry about one posting something on about you, that might not even be true. Wow, what a different world.

This movie makes you look at what is most important. Makes you cherish the people in your life that mean the most, and learn how to stop worrying about what others are thinking. We need more of that today, and I pray that this movie helps people learn to put family and friend’s first, and leave judgement and opinions where they belong…..the trash!! Let me know in the comments, something you’ve tried to change in your life, and teach your family about that might be different.


promiseAbout the Paul’s Promise Movie:

Set in the peak of the 1960s Civil Rights movement, “Paul’s Promise” is the inspiring true story of Paul Holderfield, former racist firefighter-turned-pastor who started one of the first integrated churches in the American South. It’s one man’s journey to hope and healing during a troubled time in our Nation’s history that resulted in one man’s decision to serve God and stand up to injustice – a story that continues to make a huge impact on the community to this day.

Paul’s Promise is the debut project to be released under the newly-announced Damascus Road multi-picture pact with film executive, producer and financier Mike Ilitch, Jr. who has committed to a slate of films, many already in the production and distribution process, with a broad forthcoming slate to also soon be announced.

Hollywood veterans Ryan O’Quinn and Heather O’Quinn of Damascus Road Productions and Uptone Pictures’ Michael Davis lead the charge in producing Paul’s Promise, a powerful and timely biopic about the former racist firefighter-turned-pastor in the height of the 1960s Civil Rights movement. Nick Logan and Ty Nsekhe also serve as executive producers.



Check out Paul's Promise!! The amazing movie about #PaulHolderfield with @RealDeanCain @josefcannon @RyanOQuinn and @lindapurl #PaulsPromiseMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork Find out more at Share on X

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to see PAUL’S PROMISE in theaters starting 10/21!


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Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have an affiliation with these said companies, and have received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The service/product was given to me by the company or any agents of the company. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.  Many thanks to Damascus Road Productions for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own. 
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Barb W.
1 year ago

I love an awesome inspirational film! Will check this out!

1 year ago

Oh This looks great! My movie list is adding up here recently, gonna have to start watching them!

1 year ago

I am about ready to watch this one myself, now after reading your review I can’t wait. The quality of faith based films has really improved!

1 year ago

I have changed the music that I listen to and tried to tell friends and family to also. I only listen to Christian music now.

1 year ago

It’s nice to see so many good movies like this hitting theaters this year!