Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament in Scottsdale 2

Thank you USFamilyGuide for partnering with me on this blog post!medieval


Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament in Scottsdale
#MTCelebrate #USFG

I remember going to Medieval Times years ago, when my husband and I were just dating. Wow, that’s a long time ago, now that I try and remember. I think it was in about 1998 or so, in the Buena Park, CA area. His parents invited us to go, and we had such a great time. The meal was amazing, and being able to enjoy the show of horses and costumes, was one that I still remember. Here’s photo of us WAY BACK when:

The new Medieval Times location in Scottsdale, Arizona is now open. It’s still a few hours away from us, but so worth the drive. We cannot wait to take our son and his girlfriend to enjoy the event. Hopefully it will make memories for them, as it did for us years ago! Always a wonderful place to spend time together with friends and/or family.  Who would you love to take with you for an evening to Medieval Times?  Leave a comment, and let me know.  Then head over and enter for some tickets on their site (link below).


Here’s a sneak peek of inside:

Audiences of all ages gather to cheer for their knight at Medieval Times at the newest castle location in Scottsdale! Set inside an 11th-century style castle, the two-hour action-packed tournament begins. Cheer for your knight as he competes to be named Champion of the Realm. Dine on a “hands-on” four-course feast and witness authentic jousting, sword fighting, and medieval games of skill. Watch in awe as magnificent Andalusian stallions perform the beautiful art of dressage and a rare falcon takes flight above the Grand Arena.

Celebrate the holidays with a visit to the NEW @medievaltimes in Scottsdale! Register now to win 4 free tickets here: #MTCelebrate Share on X


About Medieval Times:


Travel through the mists of time to a forgotten age and a tale of devotion, courage and love—at Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament. Imagine the pageantry and excitement that would have been yours as a guest of the royal court ten centuries ago. That’s exactly what you will experience at North America’s most popular dinner attraction. See our electrifying show featuring heroic knights on spirited horses displaying the astounding athletic feats and thrilling swordplay that have become hallmarks of this unique entertainment experience. Enjoy a “hands-on” feast as the dynamic performance unfolds before you. A sweeping musical score and brilliant lights provide a fabulous backdrop for this spellbinding experience that blurs the boundary between fairy tale and spectacle!

For showtimes or tickets for any castle visit or call 1-888-WE-JOUST

Enter to Win Tickets Here: 

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Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have an affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product, only free admission was given to me by the company or any agents of the company. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.
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Shecki Bernard
5 years ago

My mom and I took my older girls there about 13 years ago. What a fun thing to do!