Learn How To Raise Chickens, Garden and Preserve With The “Getting Laid” Book 17

*I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.* 

Learn How To Raise Chickens, Garden and Preserve With The “Getting Laid” Book


I was blessed to get the “Getting Laid” book a bit before it was released, so that I could review it, and give my opinion. I didn’t know exactly what it would be about, but I figured it would be definitely worth reading. I already have my garden set up, don’t know the first thing about preserving and am really interested in having my own chickens.

Upon reading the book, I found out so much great information. There were tips, tricks and even recipes to use for what you planned in your garden. So much great information on why doing these things can help the environment, as well as your family.

Knowing that the cost of food and everything else, is going up, it would be great to have some of the things that Barb talks about in the book. I know that a few of my neighbors already have some chickens, as well as gardens. We all work together in a sense that if our harvest of one thing outweighs our need, we definitely share it.

I loved learning about all of the tips of even using natural kitchen waste as compost, and how us, as a sole family can make such a difference on the earth. If even more get involved, it could really make a turn for the positive on the planet we call home!

More About The Book:

laidSustainable living boasts no boundaries. You don’t need massive amounts of acreage or even a fenced-in backyard. We may not be 100 percent sustainable in our lifestyle, but we can become better in-tune with our environment and conscientious of our actions. Like all aspects of life, it’s about balance, finding ways to live a greener, cleaner life within the parameters of your current lifestyle.

Top blogger for country living, Rural Mom, shows us the (actually very easy) way to live a sustainable lifestyle without making ourselves crazy in the process.

Why does even Jennifer Aniston raise chickens in the Hollywood Hills?  Easy answer, it is extremely cool to raise you own hens. Eat the organic eggs and lie back on feather beds from your own brood.  And what about you? Author Barb Webb believes there’s a farm girl in all of us and she helps you find yours!

What initially drew you to the idea of raising chickens, organic gardening and incorporating more sustainable living practices into your lifestyle? Are you interested in saving money, eating a more healthy diet, being on trend, going more “green,” or saving the planet one plant at a time?

Whatever the reason, the good news is all of the above motivators are real, tangible end-results of sustainable living.


a) reducing your carbon footprintlaid
b) eating organic and “living off the land”
c) living in harmony with the earth
d) using resources efficiently and investing in renewable resources
e) creating a better future for the next generation
f) protecting and nurturing our natural resources
g) eliminating waste and recycling
h) actively pursuing a balanced and simplistic lifestyle
i) spending money and resources in a frugal way
j) our economy, social structure and natural environment working in agreement for the betterment of the world

Sustainable living has many definitions and interpretations that have developed over time. In its basic definition, the Merriam Webster Dictionary defines sustainable as “able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed,” and living as “full of life or vigor.”

In a nutshell – as sustainable living agents, we are ultimately defenders, maintainers and supporter of life!

Our mission is of the utmost importance to ourselves, our environment and our future generations. Our mission is also easy. In fact, it takes less than five minutes to incorporate one sustainable living practice into your life right now but the effect of your action may have an ever-lasting positive impact for the world.

Would you like to know more? Enter to win a copy of the book here:

Win a “Getting Laid” Book

Or, if you don’t want to wait – order one here:


Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at www.tigerstrypes.com. From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The service/product was purchased by me with monetary means, points, or coupons. No portion of the product/service was given to me by the company or any agents of the company. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.

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Shelly Pryor Aristizabal

Simple & practical tips! Thank you!

9 years ago

We only have a small garden right now but my hubby and I have high hopes of owning land in the future and having a huge garden along with chickens, ducks, sheep, goats, and rabbits. We’re only allowed to keep 5 chickens in my city and no other livestock or fowl. 🙁

Heidi Bee
Heidi Bee
9 years ago

Right now all i plant is flowers but I would love to do some veggies!!

9 years ago

Thanks for the great review and giveaway! We’re in the midst of chicken keeping research and hoping to have a coop going before summer really gets going! 🙂

Jasbir [A cuppa for my thoughts]

I have started my own small patch of gardening and have had mixed results. My biggest problem is keeping it safe from being eaten by bugs/insects, because I don’t want to use pesticide. Also I dont have the heart to kill caterpillars from my plant. They are just waiting to turn into a beautiful fluttering insect that will only add more beauty to my garden. So i really need help and this book to see what I can do with my garden without causig much harm to nature and us.
Thanks for the opportunity

9 years ago

Sounds like a very neat and interesting book! Would love to get more tips on healthy living.

Quirky Chrissy
9 years ago

Cool! I love a good punny book title! 🙂

It looks like a useful read too!

9 years ago

This is fascinating! Having chickens is certainly an “in” thing currently. We buy eggs from a friend who has chickens, and I have relatives who have them as well. I wish we could, but our subdivision has a policy against it 🙁 Still, I would love to learn more …

Tara Pittman
Tara Pittman
9 years ago

I have several friends who raise chickens. They would love this book.

Barb W.
9 years ago

Thank you for the wonderful review and for sharing your insights, Jamie! I’m so glad to learn that the book was a valuable resource for you, truly warms my sustainable heart!! This is such a lovely article, I’m blessed by it and your friendship!