*I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.*
Review of “Trial Run” by Thomas Locke
I recently got this “Trial Run” book by Thomas Locke from Edify Media, Inc. I had previously read another book by Thomas Locke, called “Emissary” and thought he had a very different way of writing. Reading this one, in my opinion, was a lot different from the other book. I had a hard time getting my mind wrapped around a “picture” per se in the “Emissary Book“. Now, with the “Trial Run” book, I could totally see this title being turned into a very popular movie on the big screen, or even a television series. It had that great mix of the TV shows LOST, the X-Files and the Matrix movie all in one. Great special effects, just in the words alone. You could almost see what was going on in the story, as you read the words.
“Trial Run” is about a sort of mind out of body experience, and hearing about the study and trials of it. You also get to hear about a college kid, who is already way ahead of their research, just by the way of a dream. It’s a very interesting story and one that people who like action, adventure and a bit of science fiction would really enjoy. There are just those times, that a great fiction story really makes you want to just curl up and read the whole book at once!
If this looks like a book that you would like, enter to win one:
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New Thomas Locke Thriller Blends Perception with Reality
Bestselling Author Warns, “What You Don’t Know Can Kill You.”—Keith Hazard, deputy director, Central Intelligence Agency
Thomas Locke brings his new book, Trial Run, to life with emotionally gripping, pulse pounding, masterful storytelling that will have readers questioning where reality ends and fiction begins. Combining the science of today with possible scientific breakthroughs of the future, Locke delivers a story with a concept so daring and writing so tension filled, that it will leave fans turning the pages and grasping for solid ground.
“I was not prepared for this. It’s somewhere between spectacular and astonishingly compelling. Bunn’s writing has never been stronger. The power of his style is enough to make the book a gripping and intense experience. Ultimately the acid test is that after I finished, I could not let it go. My head is still full of it; and that is a very, very good sign.” — Phyllis Tickle, senior contributing editor, Publishers Weekly
Reese Clawson is desperate to take control of the groundbreaking research done by Italian psychologist, Professor Gabriella Speciale. The professor has discovered a way to control and direct out-of-body experiences, defying the laws of gravity, locality and time. Clawson is not above spying, stealing or killing to get her hands on this perception-bending technology and selling it to the highest bidder without regard to any possible consequences or human collateral damage. Professor Speciale and her team know that if Clawson isn’t stopped, the past and the future will be at risk.
Thomas Locke is a pseudonym for Davis Bunn, the award-winning novelist with total worldwide sales of seven million copies. His work has been published in twenty languages, and critical acclaim includes four Christy Awards for excellence in fiction. Davis divides his time between Oxford and Florida and holds a lifelong passion for speculative stories. As Thomas Locke, Davis is also the author of Emissary. Learn more atwww.tlocke.com.
Product Details:
Series: Fault Lines
Hardcover: 384 pages
Publisher: Revell (August 4, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0800724348
ISBN-13: 978-0800724344
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #6,117,152 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
About The Author:
Thomas Locke is an award-winning novelist with total worldwide sales of seven million copies. His work has been published in twenty languages, and critical acclaim includes four Christy Awards for excellence in fiction and his 2014 induction into the Christy Hall of Fame. Thomas divides his time between Florida and England, where he serves as Writer In Residence at Regent’s Park College, Oxford University. He holds a lifelong passion for epic fantasy, science fiction and techno-thriller stories. Thomas’s screenplay adaption of EMISSARY is under development as a feature film with a British production company. Contact Thomas at info@tlocke.com
Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at www.tigerstrypes.com. From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The service/product was purchased by me with monetary means, points, or coupons. No portion of the product/service was given to me by the company or any agents of the company. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.
I love a good read and this sounds right up my alley!!
It’s definitely one that I wish I had more time to just finish at once!! 🙂
I’ve never heard of Trial Run, so thank you for sharing this review and giveaway with us.
You’re welcome – be sure to enter and you might even win it before it’s released!! 🙂
Sounds like a really good book. A book that you can’t put down once you start reading. This may be my next read. Thanks for sharing!
Hopefully you entered, and you’re right!! 🙂
This looks like a great book. Just by the looks of it seems intense. I like those types of books.
It’s definitely one that makes you think….totally reminds me of a Matrix movie!
Nice review, it really sounds like a page turner! I like that it seems to be a book you can get lost in. This would make a great plot for a movie, something I would want to watch!
I totally agree – I already asked the promoter when the movie was coming out!! 🙂
My teen needs to do more reading. He would like this book
It has a really cool story – I told the publisher that I could see it being a movie, one day!
It’s not really a special talent, but I wouldn’t mind just having a fearlessness that allows me to reach my maximum potential with the natural abilities that I have.
That is a good one, Yona!! So many times, fear holds us back!!