Star Valley, AZ (June 18, 2016) – So this week’s race was supposed to be in Show Low, which is just down the street from us, but I guess due to calendar issues with the race track, AZOP had to move it to Star Valley. That is still only about 2 hours from home, but we were hoping to be able to entertain our local sponsors. Oh well, on the road again…..
Star Valley is definitely a place that not many even like to go to. I guess the mayor is married to the woman who owns the traffic camera company, and they have those things set to a minimum to catch people, and earn money on tickets. My husband got two of them in one day here – not a place we ever like to even go through anymore.
So to kind of explain things a bit. When this race was set to happen, the Cedar Fire was very close to our home in Lakeside. The whole area was on pre-evacuation notice. We had planned to just take our flat trailer and tow the RzR down for the day. We had already packed everything we needed, in case of evacuation, so we just decided to take it all with us in the toy hauler, just in case. Turned out to be a good thing, because it was actually pretty hot in Star Valley that day, and the A/C came in very handy!
This track was on mountain trails, so it only had a small spectator area. We were only able to see the guys when they would race by us for a short time. Our videographer, Frank, was with us and was enjoying taking videos of all of the teams:
The trail had some soft dirt around some of the turns, and made for some interesting racing:
Star Valley, turned out to be another first place finish! Our guys did a great job in their class and had an amazing time. One scary thing, they were coming around a turn, and there was a large rock in the middle of the track. They ended up hitting the bottom pretty bad and leaving some marks. Thankfully, we had installed a steel guard the week before. Having that guard under the RzR, helped it to not damage the transmission. The guys hit something hard in Prescott Valley (I think that’s where they broke it), and had to have our sponsor Stellar Fabrications make up an undercarriage protector. All in all, this turned out to be a great race and fun time with family & friends!
Big thanks to our great sponsors:
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Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have an affiliation with this said company, but have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.