Redneck Edition Racing – Gila Bend November 2016 10


Gila Bend, AZ (November 13, 2016) – The Redneck Editon Racing team headed out of the mountains on Saturday to get down the the Gila Bend area for the races on Sunday.  It was kind of weird to pull into a town, that made our Pinetop-Lakeside area look like a big city. 🙂  The AZOP crew was doing things a bit differently for this race, and having the UTV’s set up to race 2 heats on Sunday, instead of dual days.  My husband’s parents came out to meet us, so we got to visit with them a bit.  It was nice to have them there to join us.  The track was a bit crazy…with a LOT of sandy areas that were hard to maneuver.  The first race didn’t go so well with the guys getting a flat tire.  Our awesome pit crew was there to help and got the guys back on track (thanks Craig).




They finished 2nd in the race, being a bit behind due to repairs.  The second heat started and there were issues with the sway bar (or something like that).  The guys did the best that they could, but after a turn on the silt side, the belt decided to say “see ya.”  They pulled over near a bridge and hung out with one of the flag men for the rest of the race, being that they would need to be towed back to the pits.  Got a DNF that day, but still had a lot of fun watching the other bikes and big trucks race.  AZOP did a great job in getting the course in an area that was away from it all and it worked great for most of the teams.  Not as many crazy jumps and parts of the track that were only focused on solely motorcycles, which was nice.  One of our friends (Russ) took a jump at a bad angle and ended up like this, though – luckily they were okay:


I figured that since my guys were out, I’d head back out on track and get some photos of the other racers.  It was great watching the bigger guys and seeing what they could do on the track.



Here are some photos of the camping area that we stayed at in Gila Bend:



There was some great competition in the 900 UTV class for this race.  Our friend, Eric with Wormhole Racing took 1st place for both races and came out on top!  It’s always fun for our Redneck Edition team to visit with him and his Dad, Hal.

Other than the RzR breaking, we had a fun time.  I got to take pictures of the UTV, truck & buggy classes, and shared the photos online at our Facebook page so everyone can see how they did for the race.  Be sure to check that out for some other photos.  Here’s a few:





So the guys weren’t able to finish, but our Redneck Edition team is still #1 in points for our class!  More pictures of all of the events are on our Redneck Edition Facebook page – be sure to check it out!

.@re_racing had a great time with @azopracing in Gila Bend, AZ 4 the Nov Grand Prix! #MakingMemories Share on X

Big thanks to our great sponsors:

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Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have an affiliation with this said company, but have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.
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8 years ago

I have never seen a race like that–it actually looks like it might be exciting.

Bonnie LeahSay
8 years ago

Amazing. My guys would love this so much, as they do the Jeep rock climbing thing now and this looks like it would be just as much fun.

Kristin Powell
Kristin Powell
8 years ago

This looks like so much fun! I have always liked things like this! Thanks for sharing.

Heidi Bee
8 years ago

How cool is this? My boys would adore something like this!!

Gladys Parker
Gladys Parker
8 years ago

It sounds like your guys have a fun way of making memories. Help from your friends, the ones putting it on and your sponsors sounds important. Good Luck to them in the next one!