How to Make a “Pumpkin Candy Holder” #TigerStrypesBlog 6

How to Make a “Pumpkin Candy Holder”
I saw a little thing that Silhouette Craft Studio was offering and decided to download it, but decided to make it a bit different.  It was first set to be a bat (which I’ll probably use at one time), which explains the extra things in one of the pictures below.  I decided to make it what I wanted and turned it into a Jack-O-Lantern instead.

We live in a very small town, and have only about 4 kids over at our house on Halloween that are trick-or-treating, so I figured I could make a few of these and have them ready for our little neighbors to enjoy.  I hope you like it!!


How to Make a “Pumpkin Candy Holder” Craft

Materials/Tools Needed:


Using your Silhouette software, load the downloaded design and size as needed.

Pumpkin Candy Box

Since I was not making the “bat”, I just saved the wings for another project and then designed a “stem” using “Picture It”, to be printed regularly on the normal printer in color and used as the topper for the piece.

Pumpkin Candy Box

Next, to cut the main portion, load the paper into your machine and set up to cut as needed (depth, paper size, etc.)

Pumpkin Candy Box

Once you have it all cut out, remove the excess paper carefully, being sure not to rip any.


Now you can begin folding at the lines that it scores for you.  I bent the side in and added glue dots to adhere it to the other side.


Fold it together and secure it, making sure it’s snug.
Next, fold the bottom portion in and fold it to secure.  You are welcome to glue or tape it, I just felt it closed well enough and I didn’t need to do any more to it.

Once you have that secure, you can decorate it with any type of face you want.


 Then, fold over the green piece that you printed and secure it to the back of the piece with another glue dot, or whatever you are using.

Now you can fill it up with candy or whatever you wish to give as the gift for your friends or family.  Hope you like it!!

“But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” -Matthew 4:4

All pictures and text are my own and have not been copied in any way.  I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate Tiger Strypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences or creations with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing or using their service/product. The information that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience, I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.




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Rose Powell
11 years ago

I’m slowly but surely becoming really envious of your cutter 😉 Cute

11 years ago

It’s cute and easy to make. So jealously that I wished that I can have a Silhouette.

Amanda Tucker
11 years ago

Very cute! I might make some for my nephew and cousins

11 years ago

These are so cute and super easy! I don’t have a silhouette, darn it, but I have seen you can buy these pillow boxes.

Ellen Christian
11 years ago

That’s really cute. I need to use my Silhouette more often.