“Overrated” Book by Eugene Cho – Review & Giveaway 10

(I received this book from FlyByPromotions and was asked to listen to it and give my opinion.  All opinions are my own.  Full disclaimer below)



I got an email from my friend Laura Beth with FlyByPromotions about a new book coming out called “Overrated” by Eugene Cho and was asked to read it and give my review on it by way of blog post.  I love how even though we’ve really only met via email and the web, Laura Beth feels like a friend to me, one who always wants to share their good reads that they have found, and movies they love.  Really makes a difference when a company stands behind a product and gives you their truthful opinion, as well.

I had never heard of Eugene Cho, but the subtitle of the book made we want to know more about him and what the book was about.  It says “Are we more in love with the idea of changing the world, than actually changing the world?”  That really makes you take a step back and think about it.  One sentence…such an eye opening thing about using our faith in today’s world.

There’s a sentence in the beginning of the book on page 26 that says “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”  Isn’t that the truth?  You always think of ways to make things better, but it usually involves other people doing the work.  Let’s take a look at ourselves first and see how we can change, so that we can be used to make the necessary changes in the world for the Lord.

We always hear teachings of how to do better, how to pray for things to be better, how so-and-so should change…but like on page 50, Pastor Eugene says “What brings credibility to the gospel is not more hour long sermons.  What brings credibility, passion and ultimately, belief in seeing the gospel at work.”  Instead of just talking about it, let’s get off of our chairs and make a difference!  Like it says on page 222, “Ideas, in and of themselves, don’t change the world.

I love how this man felt God leading him to start “One Day’s Wages” which promotes awareness, invites simple giving, and supports sustainable relief through partnerships, especially with smaller organizations in developing regions. They believe technology + relationships can engage millions of ordinary people in the fight against global poverty.1  Using what he knew, and had learned throughout his life, he wanted to actually put a mark on how he could make a difference.  Having to cut back and actually loan out his house for 3 months to be able to start this venture with a full year’s salary of what he made, now that takes courage and God’s leading for sure.  Even when I go a week without money left over, I start shaking 😕 , I couldn’t imagine a year!

All in all, the story in this book is amazing.  Like the author says often, it’s kind of an instruction book for himself that he’s letting us read.  I love how he writes from the heart and in a way that even though he is a Husband, Father, Pastor, Evangelist and more, you feel as if you’re sitting over coffee at the “Q Cafe” enjoying time spent together.


About the Book:


overratedWe all want to change the world, but as pastor Eugene Cho found out, it takes more than just desire. It takes action. In this personal confession he encourages readers to discover a practical discipleship that begins with the recognition that changing the world starts with changing ourselves.

Many people today talk about justice, but are they living justly? They want to change the world, but are they being changed themselves? Eugene Cho has a confession: “I like to talk about changing the world but I don’t really like to do what it takes.” If this is true of the man who founded the One Day’s Wages global antipoverty movement, then what must it take to act on one’s ideals? Cho does not doubt the sincerity of those who want to change the world. But he fears that today’s wealth of resources and opportunities could be creating “the most overrated generation in history. We have access to so much but end up doing so little.”

He came to see that he, too, was overrated. As Christians, Cho writes, “our calling is not simply to change the world but to be changed ourselves.” In Overrated, Cho shows that it is possible to move from talk to action.

Eugene shares his story, a messy, painful story of being more in love with the ideas behind the actions than counting the cost and being a world-changer in action. Because everyone loves justice and compassion, but few have taken it upon themselves to truly live it out in their own lives. Cho is still on that journey to discover what it means, and invites readers to join him.


Product Details:
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: David C. Cook; Reprint edition (September 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0781411122
ISBN-13: 978-0781411127
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 6 x 0.7 inches

Purchase A Copy Here:

Enter To Win A Copy of the Book Here:

Overrated Book Giveaway

About The Author

Eugene is the founder and visionary of One Day’s Wages, a grassroots movement of people, stories, and actions to alleviate extreme global poverty. He is the founder and senior pastor of Quest Church, an urban, multicultural, and multi-generational church in Seattle, Washington. Eugene and his wife, Minhee, have three children..



About The Publisher


David C Cook is a ministry that publishes and distributes discipleship and worship materials that are transforming lives around the world.

Our calling, since 1875, is to equip local churches on a global scale, assisting them as they introduce generations to Jesus Christ, make and teach disciples, and lead songs of worship.

Join us as we serve people in plenty and poverty, seeing for yourself how God rewrites their earthly stories and changes their eternal lives.

Know that 100% of your investment will go directly to furthering God’s message of love and forgiveness in some of the most remote places of the world.

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“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this book for my review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.   Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”

1 – From www.onedayswages.org FAQ Page

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9 years ago

This sounds like a very inspiring book. I’ll definitely have to look for a copy for myself.

9 years ago

Great review you covered a lot of details!! I have personally never heard of him, but he has some good info to share, Thank you for this well written review Jamie! 🙂 xo

9 years ago

Looks interesting! Definitely would love to grab a copy for my husband

Melissa Smith
Melissa Smith
9 years ago

This really does sound like an interesting read. Full of motivation to actually take action instead of just thinking about it.

Heidi Bee
Heidi Bee
9 years ago

This sounds fantastic. I know taking action is so hard and scary! I think this would be inspiring!

tara pittman
9 years ago

My husband would love this book.

alison shaffer
9 years ago

this is a good book, lots to think about how we put our actions into play. social media has brought a lot of attention to causes, but we need to do more than just read about them. great post!