Worshiping in a Historic Church 3

*I was financially compensated for this post. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.*

Worshiping in a Historic Church

World War II wreaked unspeakable havoc on Great Britain. Many of its most historic buildings were destroyed by German air raids. However, those that did survive went on to become some of the country’s most beautiful and historic structures. Churches in particular remain a symbol of Great Britain’s resiliency in the face of the most difficult aversion ever faced by the nation. When you want to worship in one of these historic churches, you may find a Catholic parish led by someone like the Monsignor Richard Madders and other priests to be perfect for you and your family.divider

Prayerful Intercession from Patron Saints

Many Roman Catholics prefer to join parishes that are named after patron saints. Sts. Peter and John , for example, are among two of the most recognizable saints in this faith. St. Peter is recognized as the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church and the apostle to whom Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom. St. Peter is said to be a powerful intercessor as the saint who guards the gates of Heaven.

St. John also is said to be a powerful patron saint and someone to whom Jesus listens. He is often referred to as the beautiful saint and one of Jesus’ favorite apostles. Jesus entrusted the care of his mother to John after the crucifixion. When people see a parish that bears the names of these two saints, they may feel like they have a closer connection to God. They may also feel that God gives their parish more favor than perhaps others that bear the names of lesser saints.

Sacraments and Services

People typically join a parish in part to receive the sacraments and services to which all Roman Catholics in good standing are entitled. The primary sacrament involves being infant baptism. Parents who want to have their children baptized often must join the parish first. These services generally are not extended to non-members except in emergencies.

People also may want to become confirmed members of the Church by joining the annual RCIA program. The RCIA program introduces non-Catholics to the faith and gives them proper instruction on what it is to be a Catholic. They are sponsored by confirmed members and accepted into the faith during the Easter Vigil.


As people grow older, they want to know that they can get the sacraments related to aging and dying. Many religious Catholics believe strongly in receiving Last Rites or Extreme Unction as they near death. It is easier to secure these services when they belong to a parish and are known to the parish priest. The access to sacraments and services, combined with the opportunity to worship in a historic setting, appeals to Roman Catholics who appreciate what their country has overcome since the war.

Historic parishes that bear saints’ names are among some of the most beautiful structures left in post-World War II England. You can join one of these parishes to receive Catholic sacraments and services.


Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at www.tigerstrypes.com. From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The info that I share regarding the product/service is based off of the information that I received from the company; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.


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tara pittman
9 years ago

Thanks for the info. My son is getting married in a catholic church as his fiance attends the church.

Melanie Burbage
9 years ago

I had no idea you had to join a parish to be a part of the church. I just assumed you can walk in and be a part of things, that’s pretty interesting, and I must say that church looks really cool. I’m a sucker for older buildings, it has a lot of history!