The God First Life (Review & Giveaway) 5

God first

“The God First Life”

I received “The God First Life” book from IconMediaGroup after they sent a request for me to review it and then blog about it.   I was not financially compensated in any way. The opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this novel.

I started reading “The God First Life”, not really knowing exactly what it would be based on or how it would be handled.  Pastor Weems is involved in a very large congregation, called Celebration Church, and myself being from the mountains and a church of only about 250 people, I worried it would be one of those same kind of things that you see on TV with those false teachers who are unfortunately so famous in today’s broken world.

After getting into the book more, I saw that this guy was a great writer, seemed like a “real” person and taught from heart.  I love when a book from a teacher tells you of their past failures and how they learned from them.  I don’t only want to know about what God is telling us to do, I want to know that the writer once blew it and learned from their mistakes.  To hear how God uses those trials and mistakes in their personal life, really helps us to learn from that and live better in our own.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  The bible and learning from Jesus is my number one way of getting my knowledge of what’s to come and how to live, etc.  However, just like sitting in a bible group or fellowshipping with friends, you want to know the trials they’ve gone through, how God worked in their lives through that, and how they came out in the end.

We go through certain things for a reason, and Pastor Weems really nailed it for me on page 137, where he was writing about the book of Philemon and how we are supposed to be living.  Near the beginning of the page he wrote: “He did not free us from hell just to watch us live in it while we’re on earth!”  That is so true.  Once you receive the Lord in your heart, your “world” changes a bit.  Now don’t get me wrong, you’ll have trials and tribulations, but just like in John 16:33, He says…“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  That gives me great peace, knowing that I have the Lord in my heart, and that one day, I too, will over come it.  This is a great book and a wonderful way for a new believer to learn more, or someone like me who has been in the church for awhile to better help us know how to uncomplicate our life…God’s way!*

About the Book

A simple and sustainable path to a deep and satisfying walk with Christ There are thousands of how-to books for improving various areas of life—self, relationships, finances, fitness, business, marriage, family. And there are nearly as many books written for believers offering a framework for the “right” approach to a new life in God. What if it were possible, Pastor Stovall Weems asks,to boil it all down to one practical, un-complicated principle that would yield the vibrant, purposeful spiritual life so many are looking for? What if, in our relationship with God, we had one simple and sustainable touch point to experience a deep and satisfying walk with Christ? In The God-First Life, Weems shows that true success in our walk with God and in life in general is not an issue of need, but an issue of order. Brilliantly unpacking the simple Scripture in Matthew 6:33, Weems gives a fresh and practical perspective on what Christian “discipleship” is about. Bringing clarity, depth, and simplicity, Pastor Weems makes clear core truths that have been misunderstood by many Christians and non-Christians alike.

God first

About the Author

Stovall Weems is the founder and lead pastor of Celebration Church in Jacksonville, FL. Celebration is a global, diverse, growing multisite church, with more than twelve thousand people in weekly attendance. As a pastor, teacher, writer and sought-after conference speaker, his ministry focuses on building the local church, reaching people with the gospel, and developing passionate followers of Christ. Stovall and his wife, Kerri have three children, Kaylan, Stovie, and Annabelle.,

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Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate Tiger Strypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The service/product was purchased by myself with either monetary means, points, or coupons. No portion of the product/service was given to me by the company or any agents of the company. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience, I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.

* – Excerpt taken from title of the book

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DaisyRay Jackson
10 years ago

My mommy would love this read.. definitely will share with her

Christina Arceneaux
10 years ago

This sounds like a great read, and trials ARE important in life. Thanks for sharing!

Melissa Smith
Melissa Smith
10 years ago

This sounds like a great book & I know a few people who would love to receive it as a gift.

Jay @ Life of Creed
10 years ago

Sounds like a good read! My sister would love this book!

tara pittman
10 years ago

My husband would love to read this book