Tips & Tricks – Easy Baked Potatoes 22


I’ve been wanting to start the “Tips & Tricks” blog posts for awhile now. I figured that those of us who had advice (on any topics), or knew things that could help others, it would be beneficial to start sharing those ideas. I’ll be contributing different kinds of “Tips & Tricks“, such as things to do with the internet, social media, home, crafts and many others!! Be sure to stay connected to “TigerStrypes” to see the new ones that get posted.


Today’s Post Will Be About:
“Easy Baked Potatoes”

Today’s “Tips & Tricks” post is about making “Easy Baked Potatoes“.  How many times have you been super busy during the day, and didn’t really think of dinner until it was almost time?  Then you wanted to make something with baked potatoes and figured that there just wasn’t a lot of time.  Well, now you can plan that early, and then the rest of the meal later!  Just get that good old crockpot out of the cupboard and turn it on!!

Below are the steps of how to make these easy baked potatoes, without even really having to think of it during the day!  This is perfect for if you work outside of the home and want to make a quick chicken dish, or have some leftover beef to heat up.  Now you can have a yummy baked potato as your side dish, with minimal effort!

1.  Start by using a fork to pierce your potatoes.  Be careful not to poke your hand, if you’re holding it that way!

fork2.  Next, pull out even size pieces of foil.  Amount depends on how many potatoes.  Just be sure to have enough room to fully wrap each potato separately.


3.  Before you wrap the potato, drizzle some olive oil over the top, and sprinkle some seasonings over it.  Then, wrap it up snugly, so that no oil will escape.


4.  Next, just put them in the crockpot, on low for 6-8 hours or high for 3-4 hours.  You’ll be able to apply some pressure with your hand in an oven mitt to see if they are finished at the end.  If they are still a bit firm, let them cook awhile longer.


5.  Now you can just remove them from the crockpot, unwrap them and dress them how you wish!  Cut them in half and add sour cream, onions or any other toppings that you enjoy!  Hope you like it!


I hope that this “Tips & Tricks” post has helped you today. If so, let me know in the comments. If not, or if you already knew about this, then just let me know a “Tip” or a “Trick” that you  would be interested in for the future!

Have a great day!

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Elaine Matthews
8 years ago

I love this new series!! And what a great way to do potatoes!! Thanks for sharing on My 2 Favorite things on Thursday!! Hope to see you again tomorrow!! Pinned!

bee turck
8 years ago

this is awesome, and I love the visuals in your story! great job! xo, Bee #homemattersparty

8 years ago

I would have never thought of making baked potatoes in a crockpot. Thanks for this recipe and I can’t wait to try it. Love having you as a cohost on #HomeMattersParty

Lorelai @ Life With Lorelai

What a great idea! This would come in handy when you’re craving baked potatoes for dinner, but won’t be home all day. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and co-hosting at the #HomeMattersParty – you’re awesome! 🙂

Life With Lorelai

Michelle James
8 years ago

I love this idea! We love baked potatoes & I plan to make these next week so when I get home from work they will be ready. Yay!

9 years ago

Such a great tip, I know there’s been plenty of times when we do prep or plan for dinner and just end up having to buy on impulse which I really don’t like to do. I love this idea since I know my kids will eat it, too. Thanks for sharing it!

9 years ago

I will have to try this. I LOVE baked potatoes! I always bake them in the oven, but this is easy. Thanks for sharing!

tara pittman
9 years ago

I have a lot of potatoes from Christmas. I am thinking of making a soup.

Rose Powell
9 years ago

Oh now this is genius, can start them in the AM and have them ready for whatever dinner we prepare! Going to try this one tomorrow i think! Dunno what I’m serving with it, but it will be most delicious!