Thank you USFamilyGuide & CrabPotTrees for partnering with me on this Christmas Tree blog post!
Decorate for Christmas with a Crab Pot!
#USFG #CrabPotTrees
UPDATE: I received my Crab Pot Christmas Tree in the mail and couldn’t wait to get the box open. I couldn’t believe how it fit in the box, and how great it would be for storage after the season. Fold flat and won’t take up much room. The quality of the unit was great. I thought a crab pot would be a rusty old piece of metal. these are coated with green and are very light and easy to move around. The unit came with some extra bulbs, and even landscape anchors that would help keep it wherever you decide to put it in your yard. I decided to add it to our living room, since it’s good for indoor or outdoor use. The colors of lights are beautiful, and it adds to the holiday feel of our home. It was great getting to know this company, and I can’t wait to save up for more trees to decorate the yard next year! Check out some of the photos of my tree, and the post below to find out more!
ORIGINAL POST: I heard about the Crab Pot Christmas Trees from USFamilyGuide and was really interested. I love products that are a bit different than the others, and the Crab Pot Christmas Tree is definitely one of those. In today’s world, recycling is so important! Being able to use products for something else and have them simple to store, takes care of multiple needs! The colors are great, the sizes are perfect to choose from for your home.
I cannot wait to get mine and will be adding photos and my opinion on it here, so check back in a few weeks. To get one for yourself, go to:
Crab Pot Christmas Tree® with 160 LED Mini Lights
Save 30% Off Pre-Lit @crabpottrees #Christmas #Trees @usfg Code-USFG16 Share on X
About the Company:
During much of the year, Harvey and Sons in Davis, NC looked like a typical supplier to the commercial fishing industry, with stacks of brightly colored crab traps (locally termed “crab pots”) a major product. The variable nature of the fisheries, and a desire to keep the family business growing, as a legacy for his sons, prompted Nicky Harvey to look for other products. Mr. Harvey’s roots go deep in the Down East culture, where “making do” and “doing with the materials at hand” are long traditions. His fertile mind played with ideas of what could be done with left-over materials, and he experimented with making miniature crab traps for coastal decor. Then he began experimenting with triangles of the coated wire mesh, and the Core Sound Christmas tree was born. The unique artificial tree was an immediate hit with friends and neighbors, who loved seeing the traditional material put to a new use. But Nicky’s brain just didn’t quit there… he experimented until he found a way to string lights on the tree so that the product could be folded flat to 5% of their open position and then opened for display with the light strings remaining in place. U.S. Patent #6773134 was granted in 2004.
Connect With The Crab Pot Tree Company:
Disclaimer: I, Jamie Tomkins, own and operate TigerStrypes Blog located at From time to time you’ll hear about my real life experiences with products and/or services from companies and individuals. Let it be known that I have no affiliation with these said companies, and have not received compensation for reviewing their service/product. The service/product was given to me by the company or any agents of the company. The review that I give regarding the product/service is based off my own personal experience; I do not guarantee that your experience will be the same.
How do we get the 30% off the Crab Pot Trees for reading your blog?
Hi Beth – use the promo code “USFG16” at their site. 🙂
These are really good looking Christmas decorations. The colors look really good and it’s nice that they fold up for off season storage.
I just like that they are reusing something that could be thrown in the trash. Can’t wait to get ours and try it out! 🙂