Why My Blog Is Called TigerStrypes 20

Why My Blog Is Called TigerStrypes

What is a blog?  There are so many out there…some don’t even know what that word means.  A blog (a truncation of the expression web-log) is a discussion or informational site published on the web, consisting of discrete entries (“posts”) typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Until 2009 blogs were usually the work of a single individual, occasionally a small group, and often covered only a single subject. More recently “multi-author blogs” (MAB’s) have developed, with posts written by large numbers of authors and professionally edited. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

That description doesn’t really leave you with much of a fine line of what the blog HAS to be about, don’t you think?  I had decided to join the blogosphere a few years ago, seeing the great things that people were sharing, and being able to do.  It’s been such a fun time…being a part of sites like MySurvey, that let me test out products – and sites like The Brand Connection, that let me have fun connecting with other bloggers, crafters, etc.  I’ve had a lot of people ask what genre I fell into…..ummm…I fall into a lot of them.  I can’t pick a single topic of what my blog is only about.  Do we really have to pick just one?  I’m a Mom, a wife, an online missionary, a business owner, a crafter, a volunteer…what genre do I pick?  Now, don’t get me wrong, I love the sites of some of my blogger friends, that focus on only one thing or topic, but in my own world, there are so many different panels to my life, I just want to be able to focus on each and every one of them.

I also have some readers wonder, what the title of my blog even means.  After the good old pencil and paper brainstorm, of trying to figure on what I could call my site (since I would be purchasing a domain name), I had gone through so many different ones….White Mountains Mom (because of where I live), Jamie’s Thoughts (I do think – sometimes 🙂 )…and on, and on…  I finally came up with the name “TigerStrypes“.

If you have known me for any amount of time, you know that I LOVE tigers!!  I’m not sure how it all started, exactly – there were many different things.  I know that years ago, my Mom had decorated my bedroom furniture with a lion and a tiger in a cartoon form…could that have been it?  Then growing up, we would always go to the “Sambo’s” restaurant for breakfast as a family.  I always loved wearing the kid’s menu that you got!!  Once we had ordered, you could put it on, and it was of course, a TIGER!  It was always fun to punch it out and roar at people…
My home is also decorated with many of them.  I remember years ago, my husband telling me that I had to pick only one room to decorate with them…otherwise, it would be the whole house.  Well, I picked the living room, of course.  Nothing better than to come in to our home and first see my little friends greeting me! 🙂tiger

My car is also  decorated with some (the little bunny at the bottom is really special to me.  My grandma had my Mom put stripes on it one year for my Easter basket, so that it could feel at home with the other guys on my dashboard)…
…and even my body, is decorated with others (on my leg, my shoulder and my arms)….
tiger tiger

Yes, I’m in that group of Mom’s, who are TAGGED!!  Now I know, that there are some people that are completely against that form of artwork, especially in regards to being a Christian, and being “decorated” in that way.  However, I believe it’s up to the person, and how they feel that God is leading them in that personal decision.  Even in Revelation 19:16, it says “…on His robe, and on His thigh, He has this name written: King of kings and Lord of lords.”  Did the Lord visit the Upland Art Company, like I used to? 🙂

Also, in a book I read called “Soul Tattoo“, the author talks about how in the book of Isaiah 49, it says:tiger

…see, even God has a tattoo!! 🙂  So they can’t be that bad (depending on the art you are using, of course).


Now for the Strypes part…I just thought that it would be a fun way to remember my site.  I could have gone with the regular “Stripes”, but to me, that was a bit boring…TigerStripes, okay, so the cats have some lines on them, right? :-/  I figured that back in the day, when I was young, was when the band “Stryper” was huge…they are now making a comeback, by the way – if you’re interested, check them out at www.stryper.com.

Also, again with God being in my heart, I remembered Isaiah 53:5, where it says: “…but he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”  There we go again, another depiction of “stripes”.  I just felt led to use that reference in my blog name.

So, hopefully that will clear it up for everyone, as to why I decided on “TigerStrypes“.  I figure having a title like that, I’m open to a safari of options for topics! 🙂 Ha/Ha, okay you can stop laughing now…just kidding.

Thanks for stopping by today, and I would love it if you could use the links on the top right of this page, to follow each of my social media pages.  That way you could keep up with what’s going on over here at “TigerStrypes“, and see what’s new in regards to recipes, crafts and new products coming out.

I’m trying very hard, to write more personal posts, just so that we can all get to know each other better, so I’m praying for more time to do that here in the future.  Having my “Things That Bring Back Memories” posts on Monday has been so much fun…going back in time with everyone on shows, movies and music that I remember from years ago, and hearing everyone else’s comments has been a blast!  I also love doing the “#TBCCrafters” posts on the Thursday of each week – it’s always fun to get some time to craft, and see what my other friends are making that week – for holidays, home, etc.  If you’re interested in joining us in that head over to the TBCCrafters site on Facebook and let us know!!  All it takes is a craft, a linky and the time to share – it’s SO much fun!!

So what is the name of YOUR blog? and why did you decide to call it that?  Let’s get this conversation going and try to help each other reach more people, and maybe even get even more followers.  Thanks for stopping by!


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9 years ago

I love reading the stories of how we start our blogs!

Jules Ruud
9 years ago

Finding a unique blog name is not an easy task and I think it’s awesome that yours represents you so well. What a cool story.

Brandyn Blaze
10 years ago

I love your blog name! Such a great story behind it, too!

Mine isn’t nearly as cool. I originally wanted to call my blog “Not Just A Mom” but it was already taken, so I went back to brainstorming. I wanted something memorable and something that reflected what my blog was about–chasing dreams and learning lessons in everyday life as a mom. Eventually, “Life, Motherhood, And The Pursuit Of Happiness” jumped into my head and I fell in love with it 🙂

Such a fun discussion you’ve started here!

Thank you for sharing with us at #MommyMeetupMondays!

alison shaffer
10 years ago

I like the more personal blog posts! The tigers are cute-I never thought about why you called your blog that. Now I know!!!
perfect blog name.
I started to write a blog post for a book giveaway and ended up writing about how I named my blog-kinda got off the review, but it was nice to share.

tara pittman
10 years ago

I love how people come up with names. Yours is very clever.

Kristen from The Road to Domestication

Beautiful story! I’m glad you are blogging 🙂 Thanks so much for joining us at the #HomeMattersParty – we hope to see you again next week!

Alli Smith
10 years ago

I love to read the stories behind the naming of a blog. An Alli Event came to be because every time I started planning a party my kids would roll their eyes and say, “Oh,gosh, another Alli Event.” 🙂

PS – I love little tiger cubs!

10 years ago

What a great story! I love your references to so many verses that mean something to you.

Uplifting Families
10 years ago

I like how you came up with your blogs name. I remember when we were brainstorming as well. It took us several days of brainstorming and thinking about it before we decided.

Danette Lykins
10 years ago

Very cool! Tigers are beautiful animals- thanks for sharing!

Barb W.
10 years ago

Love that you put so much thought into the name of your blog and learning about the history of what brought you to the decision. I also enjoyed listening to Stryper in my youth and didn’t know they were making a comeback. Cool! Will have to check that out!

Kim @ 2justByou
10 years ago

I love this post! It’s a great way for me to get to know you, being a new visitor and all.

I have a feeling you’d get along with my mom real well. She has a LOVE for tigers too. She used to have an entire wall covered in tiger photos, big and small. Your post reminded me so much of her. My daughter loves tigers too (not as much as my mom, but she’s got quite the collection of stuffed tigers in her room).

Hope you have a great weekend,

10 years ago

I always wondered how you came up with the name. I love it!! I also love all of the tiger gear in your life — super cute!

NYC Single Mom
NYC Single Mom
10 years ago

love the history of your name.